Rescatan a anciano colombiano que naufragaba en mar Caribbean frente a Nicaragua


An anciano de 72 years that can be found only in his lancha ya la deriva en el mar Caribbean was rescued by a fishing boat that was cruising on its route, informs you Wednesday the Nicaragua Ejército.

The male identified by the Nicaragua Naval Force como Rafael Hodgson Hamilton, origin of Colombia.

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Following the official information, Hodgson Hamilton finds the derivative between the archives of Corn island, en aguas nicaragüenses, y el de San andres, de Colombia, when he was rescued by the fisherman Procaribe, the 26th of February passed.

Agree with the information issued by the Nicaragua Ejército, the Colombian meets “the derivative debit to technical desperate engines in the engine”, without embarrassment, does not detail the amount of days that are stored in the sea.

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Hodgson Hamilton was the only occupier of the “Irnelia” embarrassment at the time of being rescued, according to official information.

El rescate ocurrió a 47 miles (87 kilometers) to the northeast of Corn Island, in direction of San Andrés, in agreement with the military authorities, which does not specify whether the male was originally from the Colombian archipelago.

The former was driven by the procrastination of Procaribe to the authorities of the Caribbean Naval District of the Naval Force of Nicaragua, which had the primary attention and was located at the Hospital Ethel Kandler, Corn Island, detailing the Nicaraguan Ejército.

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Nicaraguan authorities signal that the man “will be stationed posteriorly in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Colombia”.

It is the same day that Brazilian tourists were killed by the Naval Force of Nicaragua near Corn Island, which also had a derivative in its kayaks, as the product of a sale.

The carnivals in the Caribbean Sea occur with a low frequency in front of Nicaragua, as well as large oil products originating from the coming winds, especially between December and early March, due to the predominance of high altitudes in the atmosphere. EFE
