Republicanos mantienen liderazgo de Liz Cheney wants a preference for an accusation of Trump | News Univision Politica

A presenter of the newsroom conservator Newsmax laat vaar – an interview with Mike Lindell, ferviente seguidor de Trump en executiv direktor de la cadena de venta de almohadas MyPillow, lie of what it is insist on false accusations of electoral fraud.

The presenters Bob Sellers and Heather Childers intended to interview Lindell this March about the Twitter decision to suspend the account and about what many conservatives call ‘cultural cancellation’.

Without embarrassment, the empress approved the space to cut ecos of the various conspiracy theories that fundamentally helped promote President Trump’s proposal, especially on Dominion Voting Systems machines.

Here are the theories and false assertions of Lindell, the presenter of the interruption and the aggravation, but the record that no one has been able to verify any of these affirmations. “Only we want the people to know that there is no such thing as such”, dijo y leyó un declaration of the channel propi: “If there is any clear evidence of some cases of electoral fraud and irregularities, the results of the elections in all the states were certified and Newsmax accepts the results as legal and definitive, the tribunals also support this opinion “.

While Sellers read the message, listen to Lindell repeating these affirmations, aun when Sellers is busy.

Finally the doublesteen presenter: “Can you ask our producers, can we sell here, please? Do not want to have to worry about it”, ‘n pesar de lo cual Lindell continued with his intervention.

To the extent that his partner, Childers, intends to intercede and save the moment, Sellers termine levantándose de la silla and saliendo de kamera, abandoning the interview.
