Republican debates over Liz Cheney’s leadership in Congress over vote against Trump | News Univision Politica

“Never has a mayoral motion of a President of the United States on his charge and his jurisdiction over the Constitution”, said Liz Cheney, Republican Representative for Wyoming, last month, when nine unions of his party voted in favor of the ‘impeachment’ of Donald Trump for his responsibility in the violent violence to the Capitol that the 6th day has five failures.

For this vote, Cheney has been at the center of a tormentor inside the party, criticized by Trump’s conservatives who consider him to be a “traitor” and therefore want to expel him from the position of leader of the Republican minority.

Cheney said this week that he had been sentenced to death by the President on his behalf as number 3 inside the bank.

A group of legislators intends to submit a proposal to this effect on the next Wednesday at its first meeting of the year. The motion must receive the support of the third party to celebrate the vote, less than the leader of the bank Kevin McCarthy the authority.

Mientras tanto, este lunes, the leader of the Republican minority in the Senado, Mitch McConnell, tomo the unusual initiative to enter under the auspices of the other chamber of Congress to defend Cheney.

“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the value of acting in agreement with them,” McConnell said in a statement to CNN. “It’s an important leader in our party and in our nation. I’m grateful for its service and hope to continue working with it on critical issues facing our nation.”

It is possible that McConnell’s defense did not change the posture of Cheney’s critics (including the exacerbation of women’s deaths as a result of his assent) but it is a symbol of the power that lies within the Gran Viejo Partido ( GOP) among the most traditional conservatives and the new class that created with Trump in power.

One of the last ones, a big ally of Trump, Matt Gaetz, representing Florida, last week passed the district representing Cheney in Wyoming to personally participate in an event against his colleague (and superior Jerarquica).

The other case: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Republicans also superstar and impose some sanction on Marjorie Taylor Greene, an ally of Trump who has reported in recent days that Las Vegas and Parkland, Florida, have been orchestrated.

And he also posted on Facebook a ridiculous theory of conspiracy against child abuse, and responded online to the execution of former President Barack Obama and other prominent Democrats.

The President of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, criticized last week his Republican colleagues for not doing more to represent him in his extremist rhetoric and declarations before the congress.

“The discredited campaign launched against me by the fake information media and the Democratic turbo is simply a continuation of the lure syndrome caused by Trump,” Greene wrote on Twitter.

The decisions that adopt the GOP on Cheney and Greene – if it is a decision – promise to mark the party’s rumor in the post-Trump era.

The Republican bank is celebrating its reunion earlier this month when the Senate called on Trump to “incite insurgency.”

Although it is a factual fact just after the Capitol’s speech that Trump’s future futures must come to an end, many legislators have preferred to support him to avoid the recourse of the base that he should support the president.

