Republican blocean increase of estimated checks in the Senate giving in limbo the proposal | News Univision Politica

The increase of the estimated $ 600 to $ 2,000 was blocked in the Senate by Republicans and quadrupled until some time the Congress convenes its next home session.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s leader blocked a new Democrats’ call to vote on the subsidy increase to contribute to the pandemic on the basis that the chamber approves the lunar.

Saying that the House of Representatives’ mediation to increase the aid to $ 2,000 “has no realistic probability of being approved quickly in the Senate”, McConnell practically rejects the democratic hopes of an immediate approval of the increase in subsidy.

“The Senate will not have to force itself to pay more money in the wake of the Democrats’ rich friends who do not need the help,” McConnell said in the Senate chamber.

McConnell proposed another statement that included allegations made by President Donald Trump, but he did not make it clear that this statement was made in full to be considered.

These are the most important debates about the increase of the check:

