Representative at Pierluisi took immediate action to obtain COVID-19 contagion

Representative for Accumulation Jesús Manuel Ortíz appointed Governor Pedro Pierluisi to prioritize the topic of COVID-19 cases in Puerto Rico is more proactive in taking precautionary measures to prevent the increase in viruses in Iceland.

“It is lamentable that the governor of Puerto Rico decides to be in Washington, DC, participating in a state of affairs, in which he may participate in a virtual manner, while the COVID contagios in the Isla van will increase in value. These actions demonstrate a serious problem of cross-priority priorities, which can be seen by party members before the health of the poor, ”Ortiz said.

Dates of the Department of Health published today, Wednesday, reported 12 deaths, 445 hospitalized, 827 confirmed cases, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 104,779 and 2,174 total deaths.

“With the numbers of contagious fueron disguised in the high moon, the Gobernador debió will be reunited with emergency character with all the scientific, medical, hospital and empresial component of the Isla to establish urgent and preventive mediating hospital a futuro cercano. It’s time to listen to acquaintances, who recommend mediation by the mayor for a specific period of time. It is not at this time to be a partisan politician with the status quo, be proactive and establish an intermediary route that will prevent the contagion, ”he said.

For example, the chairman of the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies also made some of the recommendations that, based on the expressions of the experts, could be taken immediately.

The governor should consider the most restrictive the executive order. Debemos need in restaurants to use outdoor cabinets and check their capacity, do not allow indoor cabinets to be used to promote the collection of comedy or entrance services. It aims to promote the elimination of activities carried out by the nucleus known skoolhoof and eliminate activities in essentials at the end of the week, maintaining open shops such as gas stations, supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals and other repair services (mechanics, ferries, windmills, ironworks, glassworks. deben will close the theaters, cines and gymnasiums among other sports ”, he said.

Among the additional recommendations Ortíz González mentions to check the capacity of people in parks, playgrounds and avoid agglomerations in dichos lodges, including stations and direct funds to attend the pandemic to help trade with his guest.

“Importance is accelerating the creation of a genomic vigilance system to announce important dates on the COVID-19 variant distances in Puerto Rico. There are immediate actions to be taken to control the disaster of the airport which allows the entry of hundreds of miles of travelers, more than the method of giving them proof and with the obligation of a supremely efficient person. We need to study the possibility of printing an administrative cargo that costs $ 250.00 for all travel that we do not present a molecular test and we will someterlos have a further restriction or quarantine. This application applies to vacated and unaccompanied travelers. Finally, a transition plan for virtual modality and the Legislature, Municipalities and Agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico has been launched to support the writing computer (PC) for portable computers (laptops) and to facilitate the transition of our labor force at Siglo 21, it will be possible to provide essential services for virtual, dynamic and efficient ciudadanía ”, added.

‘Sun has many recommended experts and the theme están haciendo. But it is time to act with seriousness, responsibility and readiness, and otherwise the hospital system of Iceland and the health of our people will be compromised. “Gobernador, for the sake of the poorest people, nothing is more important than waiting for such an awful amenity,” indicated the popular legislator.
