Reporter on New York Managing Director’s Accusation of Crime by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

In the image of the governor of the state of New York, Andrew Cuomo.  EFE / Seth Wenig
In the image of the governor of the state of New York, Andrew Cuomo. EFE / Seth Wenig

Albany Police, located at the New York Governorate, announced the jueves that the fue reported one of the sexual indictment allegations against the state mandate, Andrew Cuomo.

Specifically, the testimonials published by the media by the local media Times-Union, in that a assessor of Cuomo assures that the “manoseó indebidamente” in his private residence. It was the sixth accusation of its naturalness, and it exacerbated more than the paralysis that the governor had done.

Follow report The New York Times, hello does not imply the opening of a formal investigation against Cuomo, but the authorities indicate that the behavior descritp “could be classified as a crime”.

Steve Smith, Albany police spokesman, said he was called state police officer. For Cuomo’s legal representative, Beth Garvey, made sure that she did what she was told by the assessor who would not present a report.

“As part of the state policy, when physical contact charges are made the agency informs the prosecutor that they should contact the police department. If rehusan, the agency has the obligation to hack through its account and inform the authorities“, Garvey expressed in a communication.

The reason why the denunciation should take place the year passed when the woman, her identity was not revealed, was summoned to the governor’s residence for, in theory, help with a minor technical problem with her cell phone.

Sondeverbod, the female indicates a time in the mandate will close the door of the dwelling in which it is found and touched by the blow of its blouse without its consent. She also made sure that it was not the first time that she had sex and that she was usually coquettish with her. Cuomo nego que el hecho hubiera ocurrido per dijo que “los detalles son desgarradores”.

The testimony accentuates the chorus of voices that will lead Cuomo to present the verdict. Este jueves, el alcalde de la ciudad de Nueva York, Bill de Blasio, demand the termination of the mandate, member of his same party.

New York Alcalde, Bill De Blasio.  EFE / Giorgio Viera
New York Alcalde, Bill De Blasio. EFE / Giorgio Viera

“It is deeply preoccupying”, De Blasio said during a press conference. “The specific allegation that the governor called him an employee, all about who has power, and lies that sexual aggression is absolutely unacceptable to me,” said Blasio.

It’s powerful for me, and it can not serve as a governor”, Dijo De Blasio. Before the pronouncement of the Alcalde of Gran Manzana, a group of 59 Democratic legislators also demanded that the Jews meet the governing body.

The map published by the group illustrates what appears to be Cuomo’s power in the state. The Democratic Principal of the State Assembly, President Carl Heastie, dijo que reunirá con memebros hoy sobre “posibles kaminos a seguir” a la luz de las crecientes acusaciones.

The possibilities of prospering the political judiciary are uncertain, and that a resolution requires a simple majority in the Cámara Baja and the territories of the Senate. In New York, the Assembly is the legislative body that can act against Cuomo.

We will repeat on occasion that we will not renounce and go to the public to find out the result of an investigation by the state’s general tax authorities, Letitia James. The governor continues to have to deal with inappropriate mannerisms, but he says that if he suffers he feels uncomfortable and does not have the intention to do so.


An escalating testimony of a victim amounts to the charges against Andrew Cuomo
Al Billde Blasio and more than 50 New York Democrats are running for governor Andrew Cuomo, who has been charged with sexual harassment
