Report the ejection of the present jefe from the place of Los Salazar in Sonora

The Line has presumably formed an alliance species with the Juarez Card to control the northern part of the state (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)
The Line has presumably formed an alliance species with the Juarez Card to control the northern part of the state (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)

David Amavizca, El Chico Balas, series the person executed in a papeleria of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, during the mediocre of recent months. In my opinion, this subject was mentioned as presunto jefe de plaza de Los Salazar, one of the groups that operate for the Sinaloa Card.

Agreed with local reports, los hechos ocurrieron entre 11:40 horas, justo a escasos metros de la Comisaría de Seguridad Pública de Esperanza, north of Ciudad Obregón.

Presumably, the local capo intends to enter into a negotiation localized on Calle Niños Héroes, between Francisco I. Madero and Benito Juárez. The sicario that executed a El Chico Balas, the persiguió hasta the interior of the local que también ofrece services of internet cafe and the disparó in repeated occasions.

This 40 year old dress is a mezzanine, blue and black overalls, according to local press releases. Quedó tendido boca arriba, brazos extendos y con unan aparente perforation per arm de fuego debajo del ojo derecho. His assailant carried a white sedan on board. Supuestamente, David Amavizca comandaba en Estación Corral, Cócorit y Esperanza, al sur de Hermosillo.

Supuestamente, David Amavizaca comandaba en Estación Los Corrales, Cócorit y Esperanza (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)
Supuestamente, David Amavizaca comandaba en Estación Los Corrales, Cócorit y Esperanza (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)

Although there are paramedics from Cruz Roja, these will determine that the man will not present vital signs. Posteriorment of ministerial perits for the collection of clues, as well as the delivery of the body for its transfer to the forensic service. However, local authorities do not issue any communications in respect of the assessee.

In the last few weeks he has been reporting on a territorial dispute in the Sonora and Chihuahua region, presumably supported by an alliance between The Line of the Juarez Card and the Jalisco New Generation Card (CJNG) que lidera Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El mencho. These are habrían accorded accords a front opposite the Carinal de Sinaloa, aras de expulsarlos de la zona que sirve para trasiego de narcóticos hacia Estados Unidos.

Through local media, through Confidential character messages, enviados durante días pasados, arreas de intelligencia criminal de la Fiscalía General de la Republikina identifan unun reunion que integrants del CJNG tuvieron con varios memembros de La Línea. En ella acordaron play by the plaza of the federal entity and eliminate at Cártel de Sinaloa. The dispute is ha evidence in the armed forces and registered homicides.

The llamada limpia that he emphatically executed the two cards of the organized crime, and that he lived from Ciudad Juárez has the capital of the state, he ha manifested in assesinatos donde decapitan a personas, and in homicidios donde fire a prosecuting agent, among other successes that are related to the present alliance.

In Sonora and in the Sierra Chihuahua are identified Los Salazar (Photo: Archive)
In Sonora and in the Sierra Chihuahua are identified Los Salazar (Photo: Archive)

Indemnities of the security institutions signal that the CJNG is working on different forms of the Chihuahua crime gangs. For example, geen brugsvoertuie met rapporte de robo en su metodo para matar a sus rivales es más violenta.

Presumably, La Línea también habría pactado con Rafael Caro Quintero, who is in front of the llamado Cártel Caborca in the desolation of Sonora and that, respected by La Barredora 24/7 and Los Páez, disputed the territory to Los Chapitos desde mediados del año pasade.

The pact of Caro Quintero, a hybrid derived from the Bavarian massacre, was carried out three adults and six menors of the edad of the families LeBarón, Miller, Johnson y Langford in November of 2019.

Agreed with Adrián LeBarón, one of the first to attack, Caro Quintero met with members of La Línea, identified as material authors. The narcotraphic habrían tenido un meet in Buenaventura to plan a golf course coordinated by Caborca, Sonora, near the north of Chihuahua.

The line also includes a pact with Rafael Caro Quintero, who is in front of the famous Cártel Caborca ​​in the Desert of Sonora (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The line also includes a pact with Rafael Caro Quintero, who is in front of the famous Cártel Caborca ​​in the Desert of Sonora (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The previous with the end of “calendar zona” and block the passage of drugs to other maps that trafican hacia Estados United. For this reason the massacre took place.

Los Salazar is one of the cells of the group encased by Ismael Zambada Garcia, El mayo, y Los Chapitos, hijos del ahora preso, Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El chapo. They control the summer, production and sales of Arizona drugs, as well as migrant traffic.

Fueron encabezados por Adán Salazar Zamorano, known as Don Adán, detenido and 2011 and extradited to Estados Unidos. Sus hijos Jesús Alfredo y Adán Salazar Ramírez also part of the criminal structure. The first was detained in November 2012 and two years have been added to the EU.

Los Salazar is currently being sued by Crispín Salazar Zamorano, hermano de Don Adán. You are a drug addict were interviewed by the assistant of the periodical Miroslava Breach, released in March 2017.


CJNG’s violent outcry in Chihuahua: estaría pactando con La Línea eliminar al Cártel de Sinaloa

The revelation of the case LeBarón: Caro Quintero is associated with the Line to plan the massacre in Bavispe

Why the Salazar and the Caborca ​​Card are disputing the Sonora’s gold mines
