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Black Ops Cold War has a wide variety of guns to choose from, and the Gallo SA12 is one of the most popular performances in season 2. Here’s a drawer that makes it even more powerful.

Most Call Of Duty games limit you to handguns and launchers for your secondary weapon slot, but Black Ops Cold War has changed things and equipped you with guns in that slot as well.

There are some good choices in the game, but the semi-automatic shotgun Gallo SA12 (SPAS-12) is particularly noteworthy. Although it does not have the series SMGs or Assault Rifles of the game, it has a fantastic death potential in firefighting in the shortest term, and we ranked it as an S-Tier rifle in our rankings.

Its high rate of fire and damage makes it an ideal choice for close combat. You can use certain attachments and benefits to significantly improve its killing potential in Cold War Season 2.

Best Gallo SA12 Attachments

Best Gallo SA12 Loadout
  • Take: 21.4 ”Heavily reinforced
  • Snout: Duckbill Choke
  • Body: SWAT 5MW Lasersig
  • Magazine: STANAG 12 round tube
  • Stock: Wire stock

The rifle’s main strengths are the accuracy of the hip fire and the high firing speed, so this load will complement the elements. The 21.4 ”Reinforced heavy barrel will increase the burning speed even more while amplifying the damage. This way you can hold your own against anyone who comes to you with an SMG.

You can increase the shotgun’s barrel distribution by 50% with the Duckbill Choke snout so you do not have to do ADS to reach your target. It comes with the bonus that you can also hit other targets within the range. The hip fire accuracy is enhanced with the SWAT 5MW Lasersig, which fits well with the snout. Now you do not have to worry about stopping and aiming.

The only thing stopping the high burning speed is the small amount of ammunition in your magazine. Add the STANAG 12 round tube will compensate for this by increasing the amount that the Gallo SA12 can carry and Wire stock slightly increase your sprint to fire speed so you can close your enemies faster.

Best benefits of running with Coldo Gallo SA12

BOCW flake benefit
  • Perk 1: Flat jacket
  • Perk 2: Scavenger
  • Perk 3: Gung-Ho

In the Cold War multiplayer, players will often throw a grenade in front of them to stop your pressure, but with the Flat jacket and equipped the Gallo SA12, you can run straight and blow them in the face.

To make sure you can keep your streak alive and bring out a ton of shells on your enemy, Scavenger will allow you to supply ammunition to fallen enemies. And for extra mobility, Gung-Ho will allow you to shoot while running, to be more accurate when sliding, and recharge quickly.

How to Unlock the Gallo SA12 in the Cold War Season 2

The Gallo SA12 shotgun can be unlocked Level 34. It’s halfway over unlocking through the level, it will take a few hours to get there. Just make it a priority to get kill streaks and play the goal, then fly fast through the levels.

Gallo SA12 black ops cold war

Best alternatives to the Gallo SA12

The Gallo SA12 dominates in battles up close, so you want to use weapons that can inflict similar damage. The Streetsweeper is an obvious choice, because it is semi-automatic, but can also make enemies up close. The akimbo Diamatti pistols will also tear through players up close, making it a worthy addition to your tax.

This building will make you a killing machine with the Gallo SA12 equipped. Keep it ready for close battles, and you will be a force to be reckoned with.

If you want to see where the Gallo SA12 is compared to all the other Cold War weapons, you can check out our rankings of each Cold War Weapon.

Image Credit: Activision
