Report ‘extra’ to the doctor who jubilees 2 years ago

José Luis Escrivá y Vicente Matas.

José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, pretending to promote ‘senior talent’ in order to avoid “discrimination by being in Spain”. For that, in addition to planting incentives for professionals to take up their jobs, I will write the penalties for those workers who want to celebrate both years before the legal oath. De salir adelante su propuesta, the facultatives sufrirán a new record to his pensions. If you listen to the medicines that Elegance has, it will cost you 108 euros monthly, so you will have one record a 568 euro per month, number and como calculation Vicente Matas, member of the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC) and the Andalusian Medical Union.

“The incentives are jubilantly anticipating their mayors for most high incomes,” the C-minister noted this week.Omission of Assessment and Evaluation of the Agreements of the Pact of Toledo of the Congress of the Deputies. “Hecho, the 33 per cent of early anniversaries materialize with superior pensions at 2,100 euros”, added Escrivá, who has an objective return the pre-jubilation for the higher rents. For 2021, the maximum pension -which suelen accede the majority of Spanish medicines- is topped at 2,707.49 euro gross monthly (14 pagas), a total of 37,904.96 gross annual euros.

To view the meta, write down the scenarios. “By a lad, eliminate the regressivity that, as saben, derives from the hecho of which it coefficient of incentive to reduce pensions it is not calculated on the pension that is to be received, but on the basis of the regulator “, explained the Minister at the Congress of Deputies.

For another, add, “incentivize the permanence in the job created a system of Decent penalties“, and in addition,” made monthly monthly contributions to the current quarterly system “. coefficient reducer of 21 per cent.

Record of 460 euros for the doctors

For a physician who receives an additional record of 460 euros from my pension if I have contributed to receive the right to a maximum pension“, explains Matas a Redacción Médica. “The reason is that the 21st century applies to the final pension (the maximum is 2,707) and is not recognized by the regulators”, added the Granada doctor.

“Hasta ahora, if a doctor if two years old, the receipt a 16 per cent on the regulatory base, for which the quedaba is a small amount on the maximum pension”, explains Matas. “Thus, the other receipt is 4 per cent -un 0.5 per cent per quarter-, on the maximum pension. For that, hasta heard the doctors, in general, venían loses one 108 euros “, details the doctor.

“It has now been reported that the medical and public employees of group A1, who are contributing to the maximum base, pierden poco. te van a quitar 568 euro si te van dos años antes, 460 euro más“, lament Matas.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
