Remains of the oldest American dog reinforce the idea that first humans arrived along the coast Science

DNA analysis of this fingernail-sized bone showed that it once belonged to the oldest known dog in America.

Douglas Levere / University of Buffalo

By Andrew Curry

When researchers began excavating a tunnel-like cave off the west coast of Alaska in 1998, they were hoping to discover the remains of ancient bears. Instead, they dug up something even more intriguing: a small piece of bone belonging to the first known dog in the Americas. The find supports the idea that dogs accompanied the first humans to set foot on these continents – and that both traveled there along the Pacific coast.

“This is a fantastic study,” said archaeologist Loren Davis of Oregon State University Corvallis, who was not involved in the research. “If the theoretical migration to the coast is correct, we should expect to see exactly the kind of evidence reported in this study.”

Researchers once thought that humans first entered the Americas about 12,000 years ago. That’s when thick glaciers that cover much of North America began to melt. It opened a passage, which enabled people to migrate from Siberia across the now underwater land in the Bering Sea, and then to North America in search of mammoths and other large game.

But over the past decade, archaeologists have shown that humans may have migrated to North America much earlier. To bypass the glaciers, they would have jumped by boat and walked along shorelines exposed to low sea levels. They traveled through the Alaska archipelago of Siberia about 16,000 years ago and eventually came down the Pacific coast.

The shot dog bone supports this hypothesis. Researchers, found from more than 50,000 prehistoric animal and human remains excavated near Wrangel Island, did not realize it came from a dog until they analyzed its DNA. “We’re starting to think it’s just another bear bone,” said team leader Charlotte Lindqvist, a biologist at the University of Buffalo (UB). “As we went deeper, we realized it was coming from a dog.”

The bone is about 10,200 years old and makes its owner the oldest dog known in the Americas, scientists report today Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (The previous record holders were two dogs that were excavated 10,000 years old in the American west.) And the dog’s DNA contains clues to even earlier.

The genome of the puppy showed that it was closely related to the first known dogs, which according to researchers were native to Siberia about 23,000 years ago. Based on the number of genetic differences between the Alaska dog and its Siberian ancestors, the team estimates that the two populations were divided 16,700 years ago, plus or minus a few thousand years.

It is a clue that dogs – and their people – left Siberia and entered America for thousands of years before the glaciers of North America melted. ‘Here we have the genetic evidence, if not the physical evidence, [showing] dogs have been with humans in the Americas for 16,000 years, ”said Durham University archaeologist Angela Perri, who was not part of the team.

The dates are also in line with DNA-based estimates for the modern Indians separated from ancestors in Siberia, which provides another piece of evidence to determine when the first migration took place. “Understanding how the dogs moved also shows you how the people moved,” says Flavio Augusto da Silva Coelho, a graduate student at UB who did the DNA and other analyzes.

Perri agrees. The study shows that dogs are a useful way to detect ancient human migrations, especially if human remains are lacking or cannot be tested due to community concerns, she says. Even without human monsters, ‘dogs can tell us some interesting things’ about our history, she says.

For example, chemical isotopes in the dog bone indicate that the animal ate marine animals. Because dogs are not very good at fishing, their masters probably gave them pieces of fish, seal or whale that they hunted themselves. “It’s a strong indication that people are feeding dogs,” Perri says. “Everything in this study points to people adapted to the coast and their dogs moving to the Americas.”
