Reinaldo Rueda new coach of the Colombian national team: benefits from his contribution to the Tricolor | Colombia selection

New year, new technique. Finally, after several weeks of negotiations, Reinaldo Rueda resigned from Chile to assume the technical direction of the Colombian National Team.

The strategy vallecaucano, which in 2004 led to the selection of mayors, will take its second opportunity in the national combined, with a single objective: to classify the Cataract World Cup 2022.

Rueda does not tend to have easy work, then, ahead of the loss of Carlos Queiroz, the Tricolor quedo in a sports limbo, in which he has to train players with continuity and experience in the main leagues of Europe, can not consolidate a game idea and it is reflected in the most recent results.

Without embarrassment, both for the Federation, as for other sectors, the Athletico Nacional is the man indicated that the selection recovers its identity and, by the way, retomes, in addition to the protagonism in the competitions, the sender of the victory.

¿Qué gana Colombia met la llegada de Rueda?

Experience in Eliminatorias: Para nadie is a secret that the Eliminatorias de Suramérica are special. Of the two teams that are luchan by four direct cups and a repechaje to the Copa Mundo, you are also their highest level, with players who are protagonists in the best teams of the world and, who are lying to dudas, have arguments to play a cupo.

To log the object is vital a strategy with knowledge, and in this case Rueda has it. Following in the footsteps of the Tricolor and the World Cup with Ecuador in 2014, the vallecaucano is capable of conducting the selection in this type of direct education. Rueda, knows what he is doing and still knows his rivals.

World Cup: The great meta of the Colombian Selection is classified in the Catarrhal World Cup 2022. For this, a man with experience in the World Cup is extremely important, and here it is, given the legacy of Reinaldo cobra mayor relevance. His work in the World Cup accredits him as a competitor of competence.

Colombian football: The Rueda League combined nationally with a new opportunity for the league’s protagonists to be named in a convocation. The strategy strategically conveys the perfection of local competence, for which, certainly, the talented talents of the FPC will be commissioned to join the Tricolor.

Colombian Technique: Only solo in Colombia of this ‘more’ to lead the national selection. Form professionally in the country and know the idiosyncrasies of Colombian players, it is vital to guide a group and build a structure on the ground. Rueda, the great hero in Colombia and Suramérica, is an expert on the subject, because his relationship with the tricolor bank means more than a new game idea. The work on the interior of the group is fundamental.
