Rehabilitation immunization will take place in 2 years

López Loyo
Photo: Union Radio

Rebaño’s munitions will be stored in two years approximately. The president of the National Academy of Medicine, Enrique López Loyo, is in charge.

During an interview with Román Lozinski, the expert indicated that the risk of reinfection, the variation of the cepas and the low amount of vacancies, is important as the process is over. Assimilation details that the immunization in the country has two problems: the financing and a secure provider.

“We received a lot of vacancies from the Sputnik V that was not raised for all the sanitary personnel and now the Executive is using the vacancy of AstraZeneca with the list of charges, so it will be in the immediate provision of April”, dijo.

López Loyo signaled that if the efficiency of AstraZeneca could not be pursued by a political strategy, then there was an attempted formulation of immunity. According to Sinopharm’s lottery, it is vital that it be vital to follow the plans that prioritize health workers and mayors over 60 years of age.

With respect to Semana Santa, it is recommended that the circulation in the zones with a high number of contagios be restricted and that flexibility be more controlled.

With information from Union Radio.

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