Regenerative medicine


A biopsy is a minimum skin through; son apenas dos centimetres quadrados. After that, in the laboratory, the engineering engineering takes care of expanding, cultivating and finally, manufacturing from this location, up to the metro square of that same area. A salvation. Because it can be used to cover a large amount or to solve many other problems.

No fantasy. It is a scientific and practical reality. Queda todavía mucho consegir, pero es uno de los pas specsiculares que la tejidos engineering is danda. Otros van hacia la regeneración Osea, con esa nueva rama de la osteobiology.

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine van de la mano para plantar cara al gran problem médico de hoy. Overcoming the classic infectious diseases (coronavirus pandemic has altered everything), resulting in many pathologies, the mayor’s experience of life is planting the problems of degeneration and disgust. And how can this cartilage reproduce the provocation of osteoarthritis? Or the cells of an entrance ?. Do you suffer from Alzheimer’s neurons? The Parkinson’s locomotive engine?

Experience – in many cases in reality – is called regenerative medicine or engineering. The word of another form, the science that allows recover the regenerative power that our organism has in the first years of life. The potency of our young cells to repair the tejidos that are deteriorating, diminish with the years. And what are they doing? So it’s what you’re investing in and it’s what you can offer in a very large space, great hopes.

Burden mother cells, the possibilities of the medium ocean, the combination of the genetic therapy and engineering of the tejidos and the powder allows the manufacture of a species of “Esparadrapo of course” which only protects, but disinfects and accelerates scarring.

It’s a future that suen in fiction. Lo señalaba el académico García Barreno al beskrywe las four phases as Haseltine says, tendrian to compile: the first, based on copying the mechanisms of the body imitating it that have the factors of crime; la segunda, a base of the implant tejidos y crgan organs in the laboratory; the third, is based on the reprogramming of cellular clocks and, as a matter of fact, the rejuvenation of the contemporaneous contemplations; and in turn, nanotechnology is used to manufacture new cellular components that allow its integration into the human body.

The first stages are completed. And if you go to the bathroom, you will not have to worry about everything.
