¿Regaño a Alexis Vega? Amaury Vergara and her posters called the Tri

La post by Alexis Vega to prefer to deal with Chivas y no acudir a microciclos rumbo al Preolímpico only hicieron ruido in Jaime Lozano, technician of the Mexican Selection Sub 23, sino también en su club, ya que Amaury Vergara, presidente y dueño del Rebaño Sagrado ensure that we always recommend the assistants to the paralyzed.

Vergara dijo que no hooi eer más grande que ir a la Mexican selection, and support these convocators.

“My position and the position of Club Deportivo Guadalajara is that it is the same, that it is play in the Selection is a great honor, while being (for) everything Mexican represents to its most important countries, we will always recommend the player who responds to the victims, which participates in the cadets of the Selection, by supuesto if and under the conditions between the Federation and the club in order that no effect of great mediocre, but always the auspices of a judge can affect the training “, asseguró el mandamás del Rebaño Sagrado A mediocre tempo.

This is the posture of Chivas, always going to bring, always going to help, always going to the facilities “In order for the players to represent their country and for us, we will create and treat them from the interior of the team that has no greater honor than representing the Mexican team”, added.

In November, Alexis sufrió un esguince de tobillo in a friendly duel against Cruz Azul with the frame Sub 23 of Mexico, the cost does not indicate the Liguilla with Chivas and play infiltrated the Semifinal ante el León; after the offensive rojibanco dijo that prefer to quedarse in the Guadalajara to assist the Microcycles and the cost of not being in the first place.

Despite this theme, Amaury accept that there is a charla with the player for this action.

“Here, by supuesto, we deal with the players all the days of all the themes and questions of Alexis, can not talk about Alexis, tend to know how to manage the form in which he responds to the paralyzed and the Selection, any professional player will retain, between them being selected and assuming that he can represent a risk of injury or poor return to his club, always with the dialogue and the intention to be able to enjoy it well.

Without preoccupation with America or Atlas, it is to be applauded that the regulations apply

Amaury Vergara también habló de lo sucedido hace una semana cuando Atlas of the month in the month the 3 points in America. The due of Chivas dijo que no le quita el sueño pensar o preocuparse por lo que hacen sus rivales, pero aplaudió que se haya aplicado el regulamento.

“My opinion is that the day that is most preoccupied with what happens to the Atlas and America, is the day that I do not have to be in this place of the presidency of the Chivas. Francamente no es algo que me quite el sueño ni estoy tan preocupado coma uno podría o no podría obtener puntos. What can you say, our posture will always be applauded and reconciled with the work of the Disciplinary Committee and the organ that we run that is the MX League and we support any decision that they create it better to respect our rules ”, he said.

‘Y si en este caso así fue we believe that haya sido muy bueno que se hayan applied the standards “Because all our regimes are based on a series of standards and some have the directive or the judge we want to apply with the greatest professionalism and accuracy as a disciplinary theme as it is in this case”, concluded.
