Red of Human Rights of Haiti helps RD otorgar asylum to exalcalde Ralph Youri Chevry

The National Defense for Human Rights (RNDDH) of Haiti has applied to the Dominican Gobierno for asylum in the province of Puerto Príncipe, Ralph Youri Chevry, apprehended by the Dominican authorities in Dajabón.

In a card sent to the Minister for External Relations of the Dominican Republic, Roberto Álvarez, the RNDDH explained that Ralph Youri Chevry is the object of political persecution in the country, for which security can be ensured.

Chevry was interviewed by the Central Directorate of the Haitian Judicial Police in October and sent to his residence, but on February 6, agents of the Haitian Police raided his home and two others issued a notice. in his contra.

Agrega that this opinion of production is despised by a judge of the Court of Cassation, Yvickel Dieujuste Dabresil, was arrested on the night of February 6, 2021 in the company of 17 other people, including Inspector General Marie. Louise Gauthier.

In fact, in Haiti, a persecution against the political opposition is taking place, with varying degrees of encroachment, “with the obvious aim of reducing terror among the population and establishing a state of affairs in the country.” Ante this situation and while on his way, the lord Ralph Youri CHEVRY, if he is obliged to refrain from seeking refuge in Dominican territory, while restoring democracy in Haiti ”.

The Human Rights of Haiti supports its application for documents relating to the situation of refugees, including the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 Protocol on the situation of refugees ratified by the Dominican Republic on 1 and 4 April In 1978, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, the New York Declaration Relates to the Statute of Refugees Company of 193 Countries with Mirrors and a World Refugee Pact.
