Recreation in California of the holiday date of Modern debido and a “numero de posibles reacciones alérgicas mayor ordinary”

Health authorities state that “less than 10 people” will suffer “a possible severe allergic reaction” and will require medical attention.

Funcionarios de Salud de California, EE.UU., he recommended ending the holidays a specific lot of the vaccine against the covid-19 of Moderna, then presented an unusually high number of adverse reactions vinculadas to medicine.

According to a communication from the competent authorities, it is suspected that the doses of lot 041L20A of the pharmaceutical pharmacy have caused a “number of adverse events mayor already“and you should archive if you can carry out an adequate investigation.

Ademaas, the state epidemiologist Erica S. Pan detailed that “less than 10 people” will suffer “a possible severe allergic reaction” and require medical attention during the last 24 hours after being injected with the specific lot.

No other cases have been notified

All incidents that occur in a single community clinic, the same as the one that lasts for several hours after which the series of adverse reactions will occur, before changing to a different lot of the drug.

For more details, the California Department of Health informs that it has been distributed more than 330,000 doses of the same lot of vacancies to 287 vendors in all but at the moment, no other related events have been reported.

A hospital in California, the administration of 800 vacant contra el-covid-19 and the horas-tras equipment

Sondeverbod, “by extreme precaution and also recognizing the extremely limited number of vacancies, we recommend that the providers use another inventory of vacancies and pause the administration of vacancies of lote 041L20A of Modern “, explained Pan.

Finally, such as Modern, like the Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration of EE.UU. (FDA) is reviewing the lot and all relevant medical data that they will allow to provide more information as soon as possible.
