Recognize the vocation and need to help the demas is the key to being a good doctor

There is a dentist, always a two-way relationship with the professions that are related to the camp of health.

Noridza Rivera, Hematologist, Director of the Hematology Section of the School of Medicine.
Dr. Noridza Rivera, Hematologist and Director of the Hematology Section of the School of Medicine.

Marcela Moreno Wilches
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

In an interview with the Journal of Medicine and Public Health (MSP), the doctor Noridza Rivera, director of the hematology section of the School of Medicine, the same compartment is next to the medicine department on the campus of medicine, where he can watch the prejudice of come from a public institution that has temperament edad, convirtiéndose en la facultativa más joven.

There is a dentist, always a two-way relationship with the professions that are related to the camp of health. His discipline and love for the study allows him to set the propositions in the professional ambition to make the next step that appears the way to the principle.

Enrolled in the University for the 16th year of a public school in Rio Piedras and studying at the University of Puerto Rico Medical Center.

I love the inspiration to follow his mother’s steps. Its inclination around the world of medicine is making its focus on oncology.

In its second year, it analyzed the complexity that surrounds the campus of medicine and the study of hematology and oncology nurses, it is thought that they think that their favorite classes are established in a bachelor’s era: genetics, immunology and everything else. related to this specialty, if ratified by its interest in becoming an oncologist.

“There is a love for the human part, since there is only one camp where there are many opportunities for research, evolution, new treatments, but it is also very human with the patient, a patient who is very happy, the relationship that one has with the oncology patient is very different from the relationship that one can have with other specialties ”, expressed.

Different signs indicate that the vehicle is the correct truck for it. From his humane side, the profession alone allowed him to make contributions on the camp of saber to the service of those who needed him the most, so that he too could contribute from what he learned in his niece: the unconditionality and the support of the demas.

The dolorous part of his profession

The values ​​and teaching of his hogar, in addition to the loss of his father and temperament edad the preparation to have a good pace at the time to communicate poor results or accompany his patients in his pain.

Noridza Rivera’s doctor indicates that he has a word of mouth for his patients is key, but in any case in which a diagnosis is made that is difficult to diagnose. His work is focused on working to counteract the effects of an illness that represents a diarrhea luch with a result that can be surprising.

Cases that guard in his heart

Not only the cases in which the patient is superior to his general generic condition, there are cases in which the patients lamentably fallecen, and also that the satisfaction of haber can help the families and the appreciation that they master by haberlos accompaniment in the process it’s so that how professional marks a difference, explained the doctor Rivera.

“I have many leukemia patients. And when one is suffering from leukemia, suffering from a devastating diagnosis or, much health pain that is synonymous with death. And it can see patients disrupting their nits or celebrating their anniversaries or disruptive moments that do not create a subdivision, that is, one of satisfaction, ”indicated the specialist.

Sis hobbies

In the third year of medicine, it is necessary to have a respite and a balance, so that commencing to take classes of Portuguese in order to sell a small amount of this camp that it is necessary to consume to complete the time of health.

Doctor Nodriza Rivera is also a lover of cuisine and is constantly experimenting with new plateaus in her hospital beds and in the clinics and hospitals.

Barriers in medicine

In the physical aspect, the life of the hacho has to be more youthful than it is, and even for some it is possible to have a sale, in the medical camp it has been converted into a barrier with what it has that lies with its stature, its oath and the hecho of being female in a profession where the masculine figure alone is not a notorious determinant.

To make it clear that there is a difference between men and women through this center to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and the ability to manage different cases.

Medicine, a career in victimization

Between his studies the most costly are the laws of the family, but now they are his priority, the specialist knows that the time with the family is not recovered by considering that there must be a balance between being professionals, to be able to value the family must always occupy the first place.

“Many people say that medical students study medicine for money, but I have a very difficult time creating it, because there are other ways to deal with it that do not involve so many victims. This is a vocation career, has to be for a person who has the desire to help the demas, because without vocation, you can have all the money of the world and you can have the office less, but without vocation mark the difference in the life of a person who wants a good medicine ”, concluded.