Rebecca de Alba habs Ricky Martin and reveals details of her novelty, thought of walking with her. | Special Instagram Rebecca de Alba
Rebecca de Alba habla de Ricky Martin en revvela detalles de su noviazgo, adding that at some point I think about walking with him and that on this day, with respect to the fact that the mercy of the singer, I remember that he had a very good friend.
Rebeca de Alba is one of the most beautiful and sober, talented and intelligent Mexican women. Tras participates in a beauty contest representing its native state of Zacatecas, television follows its hogar and initiates a prolific career as a presenter and communicator.
The beauty of Rebecca de Alba she is part of her success, even though she insists that more than her beauty, her intelligence is what she has to shine. Although he collaborates with private cadres, his step by the national media is already as inexplicable as his romantic life.
A 55 years old, Rebecca de Alba followed by one of the most admired and sought-after women’s and high-profile Mexican media, comparing the most important moments of his life with Yordi Rosado, from his infancy and his first years in the media to his great loves within and to the media.
Hoy, Rebecca de Alba make sure that there are many happy ones to be able to, but I do not want to say that in various occasions there is no point in the next step, then I have received several years of compromise and the great majority of the regression, salvo one that lamentably flew by the alcantarilla .
Rebecca de Alba in her love story with Ricky Martin
The interview with Yordi Rosado de Rebecca de Alba initiated with a very close theme to his heart, his family history, the heart with his mother’s family and the loss of his father in very short time. Make sure that you do not know the machismo in the house, you are in the exterior, when you start working and you have the opportunity to stay with your family as long as you have the following support.
Rebecca de Alba Explained the great failures of national television broadcasters, recognizing the matinee program that runs César Costa’s team on ethical issues that it considers serious.
Fue ahí donde la plática se volvió hacia sus romances y el theme de Ricky Martin fue ongemydelik, pues aunque el cantante boricua hoy ha formado una familie con su esposo, Jwan Yosef y sus cuatro hijos, anteriormente fue pareja de Rebecca de Alba por siete años.
Rebecca de Alba explained that in the case of Ricky Martin, they started out as friends, this is when Ricky Martin moved to Mexico to take up his solo career. Through a long love surge the love and at any moment is expressed with respect and whistle of the singer, can make sure that one of his couples has more security and that at all times the hizo feels protected.
Rebecca de Alba aggregate that I have been able to conclude its stage as a pair of siguieron being friends and have indirect form, Ricky Martin revealed his preferences, but he had also been able to date her when she sang the publicity note about his preferences and even without the surprise, there were various points in clarity.
Rebecca de Alba record that when Ricky Martin hizo la gran revelación, varios la atacaron culpándola de que Ricky prefiriera a los hombres, otros señalaron que tal vez el problema era ella y por eso a fecha no se había casado pero de eso. I’m sure she’s looking for Ricky, who admires her family and her preferences, not to have anything to do with it.
The communicator Rebecca de Alba reiteró que no fue “tapadera” del cantante, que su noviazgo no fue por appiernias, includend que seguía admirando a Ricky Martin for the great man who is, conscientiously and earnestly to his sentiments, even though he has not “given up on the family”.
Rebecca de Alba Aggregate that by respecting the lack of his experiences, especially those who belong to the media and women meet with a family, but that good money is recorded and appreciated with them. I’ve revealed that Ricky Martin era un buen besador y que at su moment, tal vez sí se hubiera casado con él.
Here is the complete interview of Rebecca de Alba with Yordi Rosado: