Raúl Valdés was a formidable player in the mountain, Andújar and Mateo and HR and Toros triunfan

Miguel Andújar and Jorge Mateo disapprove of the park’s pelota, Raúl Valdés is a phenomenal star of the mountain and the Toros del Este derrotaron a las Águilas Cibaeñas 3-1 force a seventh and decisive match of the “Semifinal B”.

Andújar, who connected 2 of the 7 hits of the Toros, added another one and added another, extended to 13 in a row of embassy consecutive games, between Regular Series and Semifinals, giving hit in 11 of those encounters.

Mateo, who used one and demolished 2 quadrangular products with one on board in the second act, disappears the 9º ion of his career in the Dominican baseball including all the stages and the 4º that in postemporada.

The green veteran Valdés (1-0, 0.00), is victorious the victory liege of launching 5 solid enters in that allows 5 unmanageable and an unstoppable career, in the rhythm that transferred to one and poncho to 6. in the post of 16-10 with promedio de carreras limpias in 2.17

Valdés le siguieron los relevistas Alfredo Simón, quien lanzo unan enrade blanco de un hit, Steven Wilson, quien retiró a los 3 que enfrento en la septima entrade, luego el veterano Fernando Rodney trabajó la octava entrada permita un imparable y ponchando a uno and Fernando Abad launched the new episode without allowing liberties and punching one, appointing his second salvation of the series.

The pitcher taurino limited the aguiluches assets to beat 8-1 with corridors in position to score and obliged to give up to 11 corridors in the transmitters.

Yoanner Negrín (1-1, 2,53), cargo with the derrota lieu to allow 6 indeterminate and 3 clean squares, in 4 entrances and 2 thirds in the condition 2 ballet poncho and 5 counters.


Los Toros abrieron el marcador en la misma primera entrada con quadangular kilometric y en solitario de Miguel Andújar.

At the opening of the second entrance and with corridors in the squares, Francisco Peña connected the bat that could not control the launcher and empathize the actions.

Los Toros volvieron took control of the game in the second half, when Jorge Mateo lost 2 squares to make it 3-1.

For the Toros, Miguel Andújar from 5-2 with an annotated and an impulse, Yamaico Navarro from 3-1 with a base for balls received, Jordany Valdespín from 3-3 with an annotated and Jorge Mateo from 4-1 with an annotated and 2 remolcadas.

For the Eagles, Rangel Ravelo from 3-3 with one note, Johan Camargo from 4-1 and Juan Carlos Pérez from 4-1.

The series continues this Saturday, when the Toros visit the Cuban Eagles at the Cibao Stadium, starting at 17:00.


Miguel Andújar verleng a 13 su racha de consecutivos considivos embasandose, entre Regular y Semifinales, dando de hit en 11 de esu encuentos. Yamaico Navarro has embarked on his 30 games this season, 24 in the Regular Series and in the 6 of his playoffs.
