Raúl Torres likes Likes on YouTube for his song “Patria o Muerte por la vida”

3 | 03/03/2021 – 14:29 (GMT-4)

Con apenas 4,500 likes 48135 dislikes YouTube, la canción de Raúl Torres “Patria o Muerte por la Vida” parece abocada al fracaso, has the intention of his author to reverse the tendency reproducing a post -you have been eliminated- in which pedian Hou van for the theme.

Hundida in less than 72 hours, the response of cultural officialism that claims to increase the success of “Patria y Vida, has been linked to the flotation line by a battery of comments and reactions that demonstrate the degree of unpopularity of the initiative.

Postage capture (eliminated)

“Friends and friends are invited to support the song by Raúl Torres,’n skat soos on Youtube. Patria o Muerte por la Vida ”, pidió the periodical and official investigator Raúl Antonio Capote Fernández found on his Facebook account.

The post -ya eliminado- was reproduced by the songwriter on his Facebook page, proving the need for auxiliary support like Capote and in his case five thousand friends of the social red to treat a malicious product that public opinion has retrieved by servil, manipulador y, sobre todo, de pésima qualitad artistica.

“Capote, that’s what coions are! Geen hoo modo de darle un like a eso, viejo ”, comments a user of the periodical Granma and collaborator of Cubasi which has been mobilized to intentionally minimize the deaths and correct the rumor to the dispatcher, so that it appears inevitable and that it is refuted even more agitated by the officialism.

Devenido en trovador fidelísimo de la continuitad, Raúl Torres salto presto a verdediger el office “counterrevolutionary” of the popular artists Yotuel, Zone People, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo y El Funky, quienes -con su Patria y Vida– he provoked an unprecedented phenomenon in Cuban society and moved the table in front of the public opinion poll.

With a repertoire that includes numerous songs by increasing the number of Cuban conductors, Emergencies Musicalize a poem with verses such as this: “Rentabiliza echar lodo / En que si asi no procedures / Rentabilizas bien muerto / Espero que tengas fondos / Para hypotecar tu tiempo / Porque a la Revolución / Le queda más de 62 millenios “.

Fallid with the music and the lyrics, the theme of Torres provoked a memo drop and critical comments by users of the social media sites have been disclosed. Compared to the mysterious sonic attacks on the embassies, the song has the object of burlesque and the classic cute criollo. “Realization made as original as a CDR guard”, commented an affectation, while saying another: “Prefiero quedarme sordo antes q escuchar esta m … otra vez”.

The official platform Cubadebate, added to promote the song, not in its best moments. However, the official media that he is willing to counteract the effect of Patria y Vida with messages that are not synonymous with a Cubanos number, Cubadebate is responsible for one of the failed mayors of the Cuban regime’s propagandistic communication.

This Wednesday, the site disappears the publication of the poll which was carried out on the basis of perception of the public regarding the implementation of the “tarea ordenient” tariff, ahead of the negative comments from the users and the results of the survey proposal. The unpopularity of monetary unification and the theme “Patria o Muerte por la Vida” was indisputably marked by the informative news of this medium.

Mientras tanto, Patria y Vida has been around for 3 million views and has seen numerous enthusiastic reactions inside and around the island. Yotuel’s proposal to make a remix of the theme unveiled a number of visuals appears to be one of the best promotional strategies that the sad called has the kind of candilation of a regime that embraces the common affinity of Cubans: music.

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