Raúl Castro jubilee: los hechos clave de los Castro en el poder

At the next congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raúl Castro will definitely lose the power. These are the key figures that mark his mandate and that of his son, Fidel.

The failed leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, and his German Raúl, who led the Communist Party’s leadership in its proximity congress, took over the ranks of the country for more than 60 years. Raúl Castro overthrows the presidency of Cuba to Miguel Díaz-Canel in April 2018. Here are the ten facts that mark the mandates of the German Castro.

Triunfo de la Revolución

On January 1, 1959, dictator Fulgencio Batista passed 26 months of guerrilla warfare by the German Castro. Fidel Castro proclaims the “Initiation of the Revolution” of Santiago de Cuba (this). The governing body began to radicalize in May with the first agricultural reform reform by expropriating land to the large landowners.

Nationalization and embargo

On August 17, 1960, the Cuban Petroleum Company was nationalized as a response to the oil boycott and the reduction of the sugarcane quota system, which marked the rupture of diplomatic relations on January 3, 1961. In February 1962, Washington commercial of the island, aún vigente.

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Bahía de Cochinos

Between the 15th and the 19th of April 1961, the troop of revolutionaries returned to the 1,400 anti-Casterists trained and financed by the CIA intending to invade Cuba by Bahia de Cochinos (Playa Girón). On May 1, Fidel declares the Marxist-Leninist character of the revolution. In 1965, the existing political forces in the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), the only one of its kind, were unified.

Crisis of the Missiles

From 14 to 28 October 1962, the United States discovered missiles installed in Cuba by the Soviet Union, dismissing a global crisis that marked the beginning of a nuclear war.

Death of “Che”

On October 9, 1967, Ernesto Che Guevara, Fidel Castro’s army comrade, died in Bolivia, a revelation in the guerrilla war that Cuba committed in Latin America, for which it was accused of “exporting the revolution”.

Mirada hacia la URSS

On July 26, 1970, the “Safra of the 10 Millions” was released, collecting only 8.1 million tons of sugar, the main material of the island. Cuba overthrows the Soviet Economic Orbit, and in 1972 joined the Consejo de Ayuda Mutua Económica (Came).

Operation Carlota

On November 5, 1975, Cuban military participation began in Africa, initially in Angola, led to a civil war in the Independence Party. It also travels to Ethiopia, and is currently undergoing a decade of land tenure. Terminó in 1991 and involved about a million soldiers. The operation was called “Carlota” in homage to a black slave who was killed by his freedom in colonial Cuba.

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El Periodo special

On August 29, 1990, Cuba announced the launch of the Special Period, a program of adjustment and resistance to combat the crisis provoked by the disappearance of the USSR and the communist bloc. This provokes a fortune in the island, especially in food.

Raúl al mando. Fidel’s death

On July 31, 2006, Raúl Castro, has been issuing a number of paiss, leading provisional maneuvers to Fidel, a lie that is closing gravity. The president officially convened in 2008 and launched a reform program to “update” the economic model of the Soviet court. On November 25, 2016, Fidel died in the 90s.

Deshielo con EE. UU.

On December 17, 2014, Raúl Castro, and the United States President Barack Obama, announced the start of the operation that will mark the restoration of relations in 2015, more than halfway through the sailing season. It will begin the process of redress, which will delay the transfer of Donald Trump to the White House in early 2017 with a major overhaul of economic sanctions.
