Raúl Castro, Fidel’s shepherd, retires | International | Notice

He will be the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party.

This month, in agreement with the Plan, at the Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PPC) – between 16 and 19 April – Raúl Castro will be the leader of this, the maximum authority of Iceland.

The Castro appellant is part of the history of Cuba since the antiquity of the 1959 revolution, which objectively sacrificed the dictator Fulgencio Batista and that lie was converted into a socialist-communist revolution that had kept the power going.

Although Fidel was the school principal figure, Raúl, his German minor, was always on his side and was the heiress who in 2008 officially joined the ranks of the island. Fue presidente hasta 2018, when he handed over the cargo to Miguel Díaz-Canel, but followed as the first secretary of the PPC.

The PPC, which, according to the Constitution, concentrates the mayor’s power of the State, must choose its successor – probably Díaz-Canel – in order to mark the shortcomings for the next five years, including the reforms to be implemented.

Sus inicios

Raúl Castro Ruz was born in Birán on June 3, 1931, being the mayor of Ramón – the mayor, although he was known as the Germans, but he was also a member of the PPC and Fidelity.

Menor de los varones Castro Ruz -tuvieron cuatro hermanas- estudio administración hasta el segundo año, cuando fue parte de equipo que se tomó el quartel Moncada y otros edificios com el Palacio de Justicia en el intentiono de golpe de 1953, el cual fracasó and acabó con los Castro en la carcel. Luego received an amnesty and partition in Mexico, from the day of Volveria in 1956 in the Granma to empress the revolution.

Since joven, we have been looking more closely at the ideas of the Communists, being part of the youth of the Popular Socialist Party. It was one of the promoters of action with the Soviet Union over the tensions with EE. UU. lie of the revolution and trace the mass expropriations of the regime. Including Cuba’s negotiator in talks over the installation of the cohorts that ended in the crisis called the Missile Crisis, which led to a worldwide nuclear confrontation between the Soviets and the United States in 1962.

Always the manpower flowed from his army, he occupied many loads and went to be the minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. Tuvo has the maximum confidence of Fidel -although with a few differences-, which includes reading and deciding whether or not the pass is to take his place. It does not have the charisma, but it has the organizational capacity, following the Diario de las Américas.

When he was replaced as President of the Council of State, there was an economy in crisis – a situation in which he followed – and the promotion of reforms obliged by the courts, which also would destroy relations with the EE. UU., Llegando a recibir al entonsces President Barack Obama en La Habana. Ante esto se comenzo a pensar que tal vez se abría al cambio, pero sectericalistas no veian con buenos ojos este giro y matizaron las reforms, quedando estas al final distortionadas.

This is a summary of Donad Trump’s legacy in the White House (2017-2021), a long line against the Cuban regime, a term to be followed by a series of advances, maintaining the block and increasing sanctions. In addition, it is considered an important factor in the stability of Nicolás Maduro’s regime in Venezuela.

Raúl Castro (d) and Miguel Díaz-Canel. Photo: Archive

With the inauguration of the Díaz-Canel presidency (2018), Castro will have to show a generational change including that he edits a new constitution – allowing a market push in the island, but giving the power to the PPC – which has no side suffice to empezar the necessary cambios. It is the only political party to want to restore the Presidency of the Republic to replace the Council of State.

Now, with its withdrawal from the party, Castro has a political, economic and social situation that is not clear in the hands of his dolphin, even though the design of a new model, there are also women who do not want to change way to propose. Because the continuum of the future of which changes will be doubled and the goals can be realized.

Cuban economist Jacqueline Laguardia dijo al medio France24 that the changes in Cuba are being implanted in a partisan manner, with no connection between them and contradictions.

This year Castro and Díaz-Canel decided to open more than 2,000 economic activities in the private sector while the State reserves 124 for its exclusivity. An intention to increase the 13% of the population who work in private initiatives due to the global golf crisis, all over a world of pandemic that has led to tourism – one of the main sources of inconvenience.

Reformed reforms

Antes de acceder a la Presidencia, Raúl Castro estuvo dos años (2006 en 2007) dirigiendo de forma interina Cuba, het die request president. Es decir ha estado quince años siendo la persona poderosa de la isla y, según BBC, these were some of the changes:

  • Authorization in 2013 for Cubans to be able to pay for the island hasta for two years without losing their property -except medical and military, they need permission-. In addition, this reform – updated in 2016 and 2018 – facilitates visits by Cubans that are safe and illegal. With this, many Cubans in the foreigner have regressed visit.
  • Someone related to this is that Cubans can visit the hotels of the island dedicated to international tourism and hospitality, as of 2008 eran of exclusive use of foreigners. The premises are solely covered with lunar flour or special planes.
  • In 2010, work permits for work were extended. Although there are criticisms of the restrictions that can be placed on employers.
  • Before 2011 the Cubans on the podium will buy and sell cars and houses. Two markets that are slowly growing.
  • Se ha ido ampliando el acceso ‘n internet, aunque con cierta cautela y boards.
  • Pes to the irony, knowing its history and the Fidel, in the new constitution establishes limits of oath (has 60 years to enter the party committee and has 70 to be part of the board of the PPC) and time to the main charges public (two periods).

To begin with the PPC’s first secretariat this April, Cuba will, by the time it is 62 years old, have a maximum authority that does not have the Castro appeal. (I)
