Raúl Castro celebrates in the middle of the recent protests of Cubans in the streets and in the social speeches

Raul Castro will lead the PCC's leadership to President Miguel Diaz-Canel in the party's congress archive.  REUTERS / Stringer
Raul Castro will lead the PCC’s leadership to President Miguel Diaz-Canel in the party’s congress archive. REUTERS / Stringer

No more mentions

Mi pueblo pide libertad, no more doctrines

Ya no gritemos patria o muerte sino patria y vida

Y empezar a construir lo que sonama

What he destroys with his men

Ya se acabó, 60 años trancado el domino.

Asi canta el grupo cubano Zone People together with Yotuel Romero y Descemer Bueno, radical Cuban rappers in the United States. If there is a union in February of this year to grab this theme that is called “Patria y Vida” (in opposition to the official consignment of Patrio o Muerte) and that he was converted into a hymn of the maidens of the island who are libertian children. También le pone música –an imprescindible van los cubanos- al San Isidro Movement (MSI), a group of artists who are protagonists of the mayors protesting against the regime in decades. MSI created in La Habana Vieja in 2018, in response to controversial official decree 349 that oblige the artists to professionalize and win with the Ministry of Culture. Gained notoriety and conduct of the island in November passed, when the 14-member group released a policy protagonizing a 10-day protest against the detention and confinement of one of its members. The protest protest was sparked by the unpredictable demonstration that took place on November 27 by 300 artists and intellectuals in front of the Ministry of Culture to promote freedom of expression and a dialogue with the authorities. Since then, MSI demonstrations have taken place, as well as in the calls like in the social speeches. The Cuban President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, calls the MSI demonstration as como “The ultimate intention” of the Donald Trump administration “to overthrow the Cuban revolution”.

In this context, the most important change in the regime since the death of Fidel in 2016 and its succession in Germany is being produced. Three years after leaving the presidency, Raúl Castro abandons sultyd bastion: the leader of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC). At 89 years old, Raúl is running at a cost and allowing a new layer of songs that Nacieron despised of the 1959 revolution to fill the gap. Pero tratándose de un Castro, de ninguna manera estará “en plan pajama”, que es como denominan los Cubanos al hecho de ser purgado politically y tener que permanence in sus casas. His influence will continue to be decisive.

This week, between the 16th and the 19th of April, will take place at the VIII Congress of the PCC, the first to be held since the death of Fidel. También will mark the retreat of other important historical leaders and the announcement of the current president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, 60 years old, in the leadership of the party. The rumors in the minds of the domino players in the Central Park of the Habana Vieja hablan that could be initiated a lucha by the leadership of the regime or a recruitment of the repression to despair any illusion that the “disastrous” powder means a political aperture in the island.

At the same time, it is hoped that the Congress of the Parties – while the Directors will have to follow the steps – insist on maintaining the path of the reforms initiated by ten years ago by Raúl, “Developing angles between the state sector and not the state of the economy”, but in support of its “capitalist and neoliberal restoration intentions. A very large avenue on the other hand will take a month of reforms or permanent publicity. According to the direction of the German minor of the Castro, the system commenced to give a giro the market; has not had many alternatives through the collapse of its protectorate for 30 years, the Soviet Union.

The Cuban group Gente de Zona presents
The Cuban group Gente de Zona presents ‘Patria y Vida’ in La Habana. EFE / Ernesto Mastraska

In 2008 you removed the laslamadas “Absurd Prohibitions”, as the Cubans could not stay in the hotels of their countries, access mobile phone services, buy a computer, and authorize the entry of campgrounds and cooperative animals in the city’s estates. Two years later, we increased the presence of private initiatives in the economy, amplifying the categories allowed for work on the property, to later authorize the sale of cars and livelihoods. All before, with the proposal of “Guarantee the irreversible character of socialism in Cuba”. Asimismo, the Cuban Powders will be able to travel abroad with the mayor libertad.

But the most important hit of the era of Raúl Castro fue the restoration of diplomatic relations with the United States, announced in December 2014, and which included the visit of Barack Obama to the island in 2016, the first of a President of the United States since 1929. Paradoxically, this practice with EE.UU. marked a slowdown in the reform process in Cuba and the situation in Iceland is critical. With serious liquidity problems, the Cuban economy could not access the credits of international financial institutions debiting the embargo that Washington had in 1962, while its main sources of intrusive tourism – the meals and the performance of professional services in the foreign- quedaron muy golpeados por la pandemia del coronavirus.

A Cuban economist consulted by Infobae create that, quizzes more based on the hope that in reality, accept, the possible ant, the inversion of Cubans in sectors of the domestic economy, and the mayor stepped up to the plate with the end to incentivize national production and estimate the internal market. Algo de esto, promatió Katia Alonso, director of foreign capital inversions, dijo al Miami Herald in an unpublished e-mail report that Cuba will not accept possible quotes from Cuban-American negotiators for the sole effect of living in the United States. Although, according to God, the law never forbade, even in the past the emperors of the exile were also taken well. “Cuba is open to foreign capital Independently of its origin city”, Alonso explained, “because a Cuban-American is interested in being born in EE.UU. emigrated to this country- to invest in the island, its interests are seriously evaluated as the one or other potential investor of any other place of origin. “The most curious is that Podrían can negotiate that the regime is always named as “Los gusanos de Miami”, but not the Cuban citizens who are currently doing so are prohibited.

The habaneros are connected to the Internet and can scan the zones where the best wi-fi official works.  Desmond Boylan / Associated Press
The habaneros are connected to the Internet and can scan the zones where the best wi-fi official works. Desmond Boylan / Associated Press

The island commences this 2021 with the main economic reform applied in the last three decades: the monetary unification that eliminated the convertible peso and habilita ‘n sirkelvormige solo el peso cubano. This reform, the work implies a fair wage, pensions, the withdrawal of subsidies and an increase in property and service prices. Medidas that produce a huge malestar in the population that is especially expressed in the social speeches where there is a huge participation.

Cuba finds itself in the middle of its most economic contraction since the collapse of the USSR. The governor admitted a case of 11 by PBI scent the past year. The pandemic, the sanctions imposed by the Trump administration and the escalation of the Venezuelan crisis in the island are due to the impenetrable changes in tourism and subsidized oil. Cuban officials hope that the Biden administration will address the Trump era’s restrictions on travel and travel, even though the new administration has announced that it will change Cuba’s politics is not a priority. “If the Biden administration is searching for positive signals in Cuba as justification for what should be some of the restrictions imposed during the Trump era, then the Cuban government’s gesture will be accompanied by a positive step forward,” said Richard. Feinberg, professor at the University of California and former diplomat at La Habana.

In this sense, the Congress of this coming week could change the military presence in the government, the PCC and the economy. A good deal of the 280 sanctions imposed on Cuba by Trump’s governor will lead military operations. But a new policy could be passed on to civilians in order to avoid sanctions. Although civilian or military, the State is the owner of their companies. “Cuba has been living a long time to renegotiate civil-military relations. Las Fuerzas Armadas basan su poder, sobre todo, en the control of the economy. If it is modified, we will also change the relationship between the power of the regime, ”said Cuban academic Arturo López-Levy of Holy Names University in Oakland, California. “But the United States has no signal to support this process, so the military has the perfect justification for following its prominent role in politics and socio-economics,” he said.

One of 200 young Cuban artists and intellectuals will take part in a pacifist protest in front of the Ministry of Culture, on 27 November 2020, in La Habana, Cuba.  EFE / Ernesto Mastraska.
One of 200 young Cuban artists and intellectuals will take part in a pacifist protest in front of the Ministry of Culture, on 27 November 2020, in La Habana, Cuba. EFE / Ernesto Mastraska.

The great difference of this political moment in the island is that now, that 60% of Cubans have Internet access. It will not be long before the podium will be connected to the government’s government officials or those who have some Wi-Fi connection in the government’s office. After six decades of the castrated regime, the citizens finally find a space in which to make their voices heard. This is what the San Isidro Movement intends to do, and it’s used for organizing, launching convocators and announcing hamburger huelgas. If the official media are armed with force against the movement, it will be established during the week of an unprecedented confrontation on the internet that demonstrated el Estado, hoy, ya no tiene el monopolio del mensaje y de la verdad establecida.

In this context, Raúl Castro will formalize this week in his jubilee and in what the PCC tends to trace the broad lines of what is happening in the island that is lleva “60 years ago the domino”.


“Patria y Vida”: the song that enfurece and hace temblar a la dictadura de Cuba
The video that shows comedians turning to Cuban dictatorship and imposing the arrest of rapper Maykel Osorbo: “Abusers! Assassins! ”
