Rare, spectacular triple connection to tickle the air this weekend

If you missed the amazing collaboration last month, when the two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, appeared to be within 1/10 degree of each other, there’s another spectacular sight this weekend: triple conjunction.

Despite the fact that Jupiter and Saturn have now drifted about 1 degree apart, they still remain fairly close from the human eye.

And now Mercury is seizing the opportunity. It arrives the same weekend in the same 2 degree sky as the other two planets, reports Forbes.

On Saturday and Sunday, the three planets – Jupiter at its brightest and Saturn at its most beautiful – will form a small triangle in the sky just after sunset (from wherever you are in North America).

Make sure you have a seat to the west-south-south horizon, because it’s a sight you do not want to miss – and a rare one at that.

Jupiter (L) and Saturn appear on a tenth of a degree of each other during an astronomical event known as a Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020. The planets, which remain about 450 million miles in space, have not yet do not appear close to each other.  from the Earth's vantage point since 1623, and it's almost 800 years since the alignment took place at night.  The conjunction, which happened to occur on the night of the Winter Solstice, became popularly known as the
Jupiter (L) and Saturn appear on a tenth of a degree apart during an astronomical event known as a Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020. The planets, which remain approximately 450 million miles in space, did not appear so close to each other. from the Earth’s vantage point since 1623, and it’s almost 800 years since the alignment took place at night. The conjunction, which happened to occur on the night of the Winter Solstice, became popularly known as the “Christmas Star.” The gas giants will only appear so close to each other again in 2080. (2020 Getty Images)

Although not as spectacular as the other evenings, the triple business cycle will also be visible on Friday and Monday.

In preparation for the event, plan to be in a position that allows you to see low; think of a third floor of a building or higher, where you can see the horizon. And nothing should bother you. A pair of binoculars is also useful.

Take in the view, because according to Forbes, it does not go on until two hours after the sun goes down.

And because of the place where the planets exist in relation to the earth and the sun, Jupiter and Saturn will slowly move in the direction of the sun and begin to fall behind its luster on January 23rd.

But because our solar system is such an incredible thing, the planets will emerge from behind the sun by February 13 to form another triple connection, but at that time, just before sunrise. Pretty cool, isn ‘t it?

Will you take out the binoculars this weekend?

