Rare case of horse herpes identified in Vermont

ALBURGH, Vt. (WCAX) – Horse competition season is coming up, and experts believe owners should be extra careful to keep them healthy. This is because an animal in Alburgh is ill with a contagious virus that is known to cause outbreaks.

This is equine herpes. Vermont State Veterinarian Kristin Haas says most horses will catch the virus at some point in their lives and have respiratory symptoms, but this neurological representation is very unusual. It is sometimes called Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM). Hare emphasizes always placing horses in quarantine before attending events, where distribution is likely.

If horses are not away from home, Haas suggests keeping the animals at a safe distance, just as humans have been training for the past year.

‘The most common way of spreading this disease is through horse-to-horse contact, but it can also be carried from one horse to another through branches, buckets, wheelbarrows, supplies and on people’s bodies and shoes. , and things like that, ”says Haas.

The virus cannot be transmitted to humans. The infected horse in Alburgh is currently in quarantine. If your horses have a fever or other types of neurological symptoms, such as standing problems, you should call a veterinarian immediately.

Visit here for more information on this virus.

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