Randy Orton says Bad Bunny is now a WWE superstar

Randy Orton appeared for the first time today WWE The Bump to hype his upcoming WrestleMania match against The Fiend.

While his interview was completed, Orton was asked if he had a closing thought about The Fiend. Instead, Orton decided to give Bad Bunny and his performance in last night’s program some praise.

“You know what? I do not have to say anything [The Fiend], ”Begin Orton. ‘I mean – and this is going to be completely out of the question – but we’ve had a lot of celebrities over the years since I’ve been here. They come in and try to step into our world, and do what we do, because everyone can do it, right? We make it look easy, but it’s not.

‘That way I can say for the first time that Bad Bunny is coming into our world. When he sees that he completely stops his tour program, his music, any kind of thing he has going on, he stops it dead in his tracks so he can go in the ring. I saw him there with coaches trying to get as good as he can get. Two, three, four, five hours a day. It impresses me.

‘I have to thank Bad Bunny for respecting what I do and what everyone in the locker room does and what WWE does. I appreciate him as a fan, but now I can look at him and call him a fellow artist in my world. It’s a fresh breeze to know such a person, with such a huge following, who is successful in his own world, in our inner step but treats us all with respect. This is usually not the case when it comes to people returning to the world. I’ve seen it a lot over the years.

‘Although I feel off topic, it’s important for me to say that I appreciate Bad Bunny and the hard work he did last night. And he did, he knocked everyone’s socks off here. I watched and I know he impressed a lot of his fellow WWE Superstars. He’s officially a WWE superstar in my book. ‘

Bad Bunny did the show on The Miz last night. You can hear Orton’s full comments in the video below.

If you use quotes for this article, give credit to WWE The Bump and give ah / t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcript.
