Random: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Fan restores unused sanctuary hidden in game files

We’m used to discovering brand new tricks and secrets in Zelda: Breath of the Wild on a surprisingly regular basis, but here’s something else.

Zelda fan and mud waikuteru dug around in the game’s files and cooked up a visible, playable version of a sanctuary that did not make it into the final game. As Waikuteru explains in the video below, the 136 shrines available in the base game and its DLC are listed as ‘Dungeon000’ to ‘Dungeon135’, but there is also a secret ‘Dungeon136’ to be found.

As you can see when the shrine is loaded, it appears to be some form of a base model used for developmental purposes and takes the form of a shrine of blessing; Waikuteru speculates that it was probably a template that could be used to build new shrines in the game.
