Ramos disappears with Ibai: elige entre Haaland y Mbappé and his tajante reaction about Messi at Real Madrid – Diez

Luepo de romper el silencio ante los mediums de communication to talk about his future at Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos mantuvo una plática con el famoso streamer Ibai Llanos in his knowledge Charlando Tranquilamente and habló about the most factual fact that the powder would take over the merengue joint and about the probability of … contract with Messi!

Review the table of positions of the Spanish League

The captain merengue explained that play in the Barcelona it is impossible, but to receive the captain azulgrana with the brazos abiertos. We will also make sure that no hubies give up and Cristiano Ronaldo.


‘I’m an optimistic and creative person at work. And when the lasen works. But there is no renovation yet, more inquire that you do not have any ”.

How do you like Madrid’s tasting rooms?

Irme with the clear conscience is what I like. My taste is as creepy as mine, by the big girl, who reveals the years she has been feeling and living her life ”.

Elimination of Barcelona in Champions

The satisfaction of being eliminated by Barça is here, there is more exchange with them and they are a rival. Además at PSG is Keylor. I do not like to rehearse the week that we can go to ours. No deseo el mal a nadie, pero de momentos nosotros seguimos vivos. Pero con el Atalanta hooi que tener cuidado ”.

The Classics with Mourinho

” It was a difficult era. Yo era muy caliente en esa epoca y Mou también entendia que un abrazo al rival perdiendo no era bueno. But we will meet with the Barcelona to make a pact of aggression, conviction of what our Mourinho sack, even if it is not the only one responsible. But we are faced with another mentality that we can happily change the time to win the selection ”.

The march of CR7

” Perdió Cris y perdió el Madrid. Yo no hubiese dejado salir porque es de los mejores y nos hubiese acercado más a ganar. Its relationships that have been through life, have been a team merger. It’s a player who’s determined to help us ”.

Filing through Barcelona

‘Options no hooi ninguna. A Laporta le tengo cariño, me lo encontre una vez y me cayó bien. But there are things in life that do not buy the money, it is impossible ”.

Messi to Madrid?

He suffers in the best years of his career and always has no inner ties to an allegory. Le apanaaría mi casa si hace falta si decide venir en lo que encuentra algo ”.

Files in Mbappé o Haaland

” I like that viniesen los dos, but to come one day will be more easy to file in Haaland. With Mbappé the economic complications are more complicated. There is no such thing as Haaland for the goal, the titles, the size, the speed … A more easy series to play with a Haaland accord ”.

Everything Ramos loses if he goes to Real Madrid

His costume of irse to attack

” As the case may be a little complicated at the marker, starting at minute 80 or including the miro at Zizou and free bar to get there ”.

Another rematch in LaLiga

El Atlético is very good, very stable and has many merits to be here. We intend to measure meters precisely and play until the final, but we do not depend on us ”.

One of his most lasting moments ultimately

” Elimination against Ajax. The one that makes me feel worse is not being on campus. Verte en el palco te hace sentir peor. They all learn ”.
