Ram, Moonlight Horoscope January 4, 2021 | Ram Horoscopes

For this is how the transit of Virgo to Libra, the clear things will happen, allowing everything to be much closer than before. Deja que la vida te surprenda, que seent sain su vibration cambia tu entorno.

I would like to point out that everyone has a greater sense for you, because they are the ones who are consuming the energy of the Luna menguante, which tend to be significant, a great opportunity of change.

I do not stress, it is likely that everything is going on while much more economical for you, then there is the moment when it will all have a correct meaning.

Pronostic of the day: with the majesty of the conjunction between Urano and Marte, these are the things with a better perspective. It’s time to clarify some things that there are, they are complicated and that, from now on, you will only be rewarded.

Series the love the ideal to your surroundings, for some reason, not all series as bad as appearance. It’s hard to believe that life will be better than anything else. Now with the Luna menguante, orientate as is debido, no bushes predextos indebidos, solo fluye as el agua.


Make sure you do not observe how evolution occurs, from the moment you change your mind. It is a good thing that everything is mastered in syntax, because it is the opportunity to change habits if it is necessary, giving everything in clarity.

Couples are perfect for your needs, but you will feel that everything is as water and salt, because you are not leaving now, you have more control over your finances.

For that matter, from that moment on, we will consider ourselves more reserved with the exits to avoid envy. The number one day, tend to be the opportunity to see that everything is better visually.

Your work is of great importance, because if you do not have a second in sight, you will have a greater sense of purpose. Procurators have everything at their disposal, for you can see much more congruent with what you want and say. For these ecu-mantras and verias like the Luna menguante to favor.


Prediction of Pareja for today
If you meet in pairs: it is the moment and the hour to propose a good energy, for your pairing to be full of love.
If you are safe: at any given moment, tendrios all to your liking, hope for a new pair with the open brazies.
Sexual energy level: Alto.

Love: Fish or water signs.
Amistad: Capricorn or the signs of the earth.
Laboral: Tauro or signs of earth.

Tolerance level: Alto.
With whom you can enter into tension: best stars, read by a Weegskaal.

