Rafael “Tatito” Hernández proposes to derogar the status projects of companies by Wanda Vázquez

Washington DC.- The Delegation of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) in the Chamber of Representatives proposed to derogate from 167 to 165 of 30 December 2020, which impulsively, respectively, elect six state chaplains and appoint the governor to the other public.

“We will agate the legislative remedies before (impugnarlas) in the courts”, indicates Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez, who will be the moon, at the beginning of the session, as President of the Chamber of Representatives.

The bill presented by the PPD’s representatives in the Borough of Camera will also eliminate the 2017 bill created by the Igualdad Commission.

For a Lado, the 167 – which allows May 16 to have its ‘special delegates’ to the Congress with a single function will be approved by the state – “mezcla las prerrogativas de un legisllador con las del Ejecutivo”, sostuvo Hernández Montañez.

Además, the legislator questioned, among other things, the requisite that impose the lee to these delegates to dominate as the English as the Spaniard, which excludes “for less than 70% of the population”, and the power that the da gobierno de destituir a une functionary if not compromised with promoting the state for the island.

According to the federal law, if the commissioner resides in Washington tener dominion of the English, but no official of the Puerto Rican governor is required to do so. The 167th proposal proposes to elect six candidates from the state as special delegates to the Congress, who will be assigned to serve in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate.

Although the medium was presented today, its consideration will be given to the next week when the new session of the Puerto Rican Legislature begins.

La 165, for his part, deja en manos del gobernador Pedro Pierluisi convene a new plebiscite. Pierluisi, by executive order, can define the status alternatives to present in a consultation and choose when to celebrate.

Towns 165 and 167 were held in an extraordinary post-electoral session and held on 30 December by the governor Wanda Vázquez Garced, as represented by the New Progressive Party (PNP) in the November 3, 52nd Christmas ballot. % of votes.

“Conocían que habíd perdido el control de la Assisblativa Legislativa para el cuatrienio 2021-2024, convierting nuestro system en una akin un una dictadura”, indicates the legislation of the PPD in the Chamber.

Hernández Montañez, on the other hand, agreed with the Jefatura of the College of Lawyers and Lawyers of Puerto Rico to present the project of this group in favor of a Constitutional Assembly of Status.

Mientras, the legislators of the Independent Puerto Rican Party (PIP), Senator María de Lourdes Santiago and the representative of Dennis Márquez, will present resolutions to create a special commission that connects the area of ​​recommending legislation that conducts a Assembly to .

The PPD and PIP status mediators will require Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s good views on the two answers in both chambers to pass on the potential of a potential veto. Although the PPD has absolute majority in the Chamber of Representatives, it has a simple majority of 12, 27, senators

The representative of the PNP José Aponte has stated that his colleagues can support any type of convocation in favor of a status assembly. “There is a democratic mandate for the state and we want to make it voluntary for our people. This status agreement initiative has been completely described, ”said Aponte, who was president of the Camera Bay.
