Rafael Amaya: why is the actor’s identity undone? El señor de los cielos | Telenovelas nnda nnlt | PARTIES

Rafael Amaya has expressed that he wants to stay with his life and little by little he is returning the wounds of his professional career. As recorded, in December 2020, the Mexican actor who is famous for protagonizing “The Lord of the Rings” reappeared in the public stage, three years ago he was aroused by the actuation and artistic ambience.

MORE INFORMATION: Athina Marturet, the actress who ‘sacked’ his retiree to Rafael Amaya

Fue en el 2018 cuando Rafael Amaya disappears from the public eye and does not know anything about it. Since then, there have been many rumors and theories about his disappearance. Without embarrassment, in December of last year, the Mexican actor appeared and confessed that he was fond of his addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Rafael Amaya appeared in a boxing match and said he was happy with his treatment, as well as his plans for his career.  (Photo: Telemundo)
Rafael Amaya appeared in a boxing match and said he was happy with his treatment, as well as his plans for his career. (Photo: Telemundo)

With the help of his family and friends, Rafael Amaya was admitted to the boxing clinic of boxer Julio César Chávez for some months. Through the light that he understood, he found it stable and declared it in the media that it was “that he wanted to sleep”.

In its first public reparation, Amaya was caught by the cameras when he was listening to a box game in Tijuana where he was happy with his treatment, as well as his plans for his career. Luego, submits a photo to the social speeches in the drawer of his representative. Pero, the image desató todo type of questionnaires. Is it true of Rafael Amaya?

MORE INFORMATION: Rafael Amaya: the verdict of why the actor abandoned his rehabilitation of drugs


In his official Instagram account, Rafael Amaya posted a photo of his representative in Florida. In the image, it can be seen in the story sent and shared with Karem Guedimin. In the meantime, his users will comment on the publication and the reactions of his followers and side dividers.

For a lad, there are those who express their support for the actor after recovering from his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Asimismo, estaban complacidos de verl más “sano” y “animado”.

“What lindo volver a verte. Animo y éxito, Rafa, tú puedes y nosotros te recibimos con mucho cariño ”,“ No te imaginas cuanto te extrañamos. We love to sing “,” I love to rejoice! Great actor! Great to be human! Stop it! ”, Fueron algunos de los comentarios de los usandrous usrándole su respaldo.

Sondeverbod, other skeptical fanatics insure that Rafael Amaya of this photo is not the verdadero. “Ese no es Rafa la cara no se ve igual”, “No se parece a ti”, “Ese no es Rafael”, ¿Reallye es él? Digo, his car looks different ”, writes the internet in the Instagram post.

Rafael Amaya posted a photo of his representative in Florida.  (Photo: Rafael Amaya / Instagram)
Rafael Amaya posted a photo of his representative in Florida. (Photo: Rafael Amaya / Instagram)

Rafael Amaya’s photo has been uploaded very quickly and has been shared on other Instagram profiles. Hecho, there is a large amount of comments that question the physical aspect of the actor: “I insist that this is not the verdict Rafael Amaya, if I am very different”, “Is it me, what do you think?”.

In social speeches there is a lot of debate. The mayor’s argument from those who believe that the photo is not Rafael Amaya’s because his facial hair is slightly retouched or different.

Another detail that is mentioned is that its cabeza is much more than the usual; as he said he differs that it is his complexion.

Without embarrassment, those fanatics who defend to the actor make sure that he does not have a case where he apologizes that he is not in his Instagram profile. Others argue that the consumption of drugs that Amaya has for a long time has repercussions in its physical aspect.

También hubo quienes jijeron que sus physios cambios son por une cuestión la la edad y, ultimale, unos quantim más sugirieron que quisá solo puso un filter que modifas rasgos facialis.

At the moment, Rafael Amaya has not said anything about the respect he has been given to return to his professional projects. One of them, who was announced by the actor’s actor, took his regression to the screenplays in front of singer Roberto Tapia during the tour “Los compadres”, which will air in April and will have visitors visiting different cities of the United States.

In December of this year, the Mexican actor appeared and confessed that he was fond of his addiction to drugs and alcohol.  (Photo: Rafael Amaya / Instagram)
In December of last year, the Mexican actor appeared and confessed that he was fond of his addiction to drugs and alcohol. (Photo: Rafael Amaya / Instagram)
