Rafael Amaya posted on Instagram luego de ausentarse 3 años

With the ‘Artillery pesada’, asi reapareció el llamado ‘Señor de los Cielos’, Rafael Amaya, a sister reasons Exalting the state of mind of his followers, he has received hundreds of likes and more than 6 miles of messages in his instant.

Taken in April 2018, when Amaya published in speeches last week, at this time shared an advance of the time of the series ‘El Señor de los Cielos’ that entities are set to train, as well as for more than 2 million followers this is a good season.

In his recent publication, Rafa Amaya appears in charge of his work team, including those who live with him, friends and those who support him in selling the addictions, Karem Guedimin; the herman of this, Julio Guedimin; Ricardo Coeto, Telemundo executive; Gastón Esquivel, artistic representative and advocate, and Francisco Cordero.

For supuesto los comentarios no se hicieron esperar y en cuestión, practicum de segundos, recibió decenas de estos, especialment de quienes compartieron scenes a su lado en la series y, por lo que se lee, de lotos fans que lo siguen admirando y has idol .

In the comments you can read: “El papá de los pollitos, el jefe de jefes ”,“ Está de regreso el mero, mero ”,“ Volvió El señor de los cielos ”,“ El rey está de regreso ”,“ A la madre. Volvió el patrón ”,“ Ya se te extrañaba ”,“ Al fin la leyenda regresó ”,“ Bienvenido ”.

Rafael Amaya reappears with the Artillery Pesada

Fall in December, when a month of haber sides ingressado in the detoxification clinic de Julio César Chávez, Amaya fue dado de alta, whoever says the boxer’s proposal is very compromised with the program that helps to pay adelante, no matter and as the record has one day, the recovery of an addict and diary, then the lucha is not accepted.

Take a look at the few things you can do to avoid the temptation, if you have any problems with all those days, all days. If there is a day to go to the joints the entry into a depression, the entry into one the consumption habits. When it comes to consumption habits, you can quickly work with your therapists and psychologists, and read and cure them. It’s the best way to be limpio “, explained the pug.
