Radiologists report COVID-19 vaccine causing swelling on mammograms

Radiologists across the country are noticing the possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine: swelling in lymph nodes under the armpit that appear on mammograms.

Lymph nodes exist in various regions of the body, including the neck, groin and armpits, and swell in the presence of bacteria, infection or sometimes cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.

According to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, an enlarged lymph node in the armpit region may warrant a biopsy of the breast tissue, as it may be an indication of breast cancer beginning to spread. however, radiologists say that these incidents are to be expected after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and are not normally of concern.

In most patients, evidence of swollen lymph nodes after vaccination is usually no longer fair unless the swelling persists or other health problems are involved, Massachusetts General Hospital said in a recent release.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine said that swelling of the lymph nodes “is probably related to the vaccine” and that it usually lasts two to four days after vaccination in the arm and neck regions. has been seen. Swelling tended to last an average of one to two days for Moderna and about 10 days for Pfizer.

The Massachusetts General Hospital has warned that radiologists are likely to see an increase in the number of enlarged lymph nodes during mammograms as nationwide vaccination efforts increase.

Constance Lehman, head of bust at Massachusetts General Hospital, told The New York Times she’s glad the message is spreading to put people at ease.

“I am particularly keen to pass on the knowledge to all the patients who are under surveillance after successful cancer treatment,” she said.
