Radikaanse vragte kontra hombre que intentionó huir de Comandancia de Guayama

The man who intended to be anoche of the Commandancia of Guayama would have been able to open cargoes for attempted robbery, robbery, fugitives and violations in the Armed Forces.

The Department of Justice informs this night that, in total, against Anthony Colón Maldonado is presented 16 loads.

Following the investigation, Colón Maldonado, of 33 years, the arrest of the regulatory army to an agent of the Police, at the moment it is standing by other freight cars between the 23rd and 24th of January. Luego hizo varias detonaciones al salir de la Comandancia, para luego ser arreste con la ayuda de un ciudadano.

Juayama’s Brenda Sala Rivera, of the Guayama Tribunal, determined probable cause in all of the charges presented and imposed a $ 1,250,000 global loan, which he did not pay, for which he entered into custody.

The preliminary forecast is signed by February 2, 2021.
