Quienes hayan received the second dose of the vaccine to stop the confinement in Israel

The maximum responsible for the coronavirus response in Israel, Nachman Ash, has announced this morning that women have received the second dose of the vaccine that will last a week while pinching and then can stop the confinement.

In addition, it does not tend to guard a coherent one without direct contact with a contact person. For this, the Israeli Governor has prepared a data base with all the persons who have been evacuated and who have received a certificate, a Green Passport, with which the mayor of Liberty will move.

This home has been informed of large numbers of evacuees at the evacuation centers, and since this year, 45 year olds have been able to evacuate the mayors. The target is to store 200,000 diary vacancies in the space of a week, indicated Ash, quoted by the Israeli diary ‘Yedioth Aharonoth’.

Without embarrassment, it announced the tension over what the health care system is, with 1,200 serious patients, of whom 270 are connected to respirators. Plant occupancy is 85 per cent.

“We have launched a record of serious cases and mean the digits as well as elevations can not be completed by the end of the termination and include that we will delay one more week,” he said. “I hope that one week is more satisfying and that important decisions can be made. We are in a battle that is alive and well,” he argued.

The Jews have been evacuated to the homes of 9.5 million Israelis, more than 25 per cent, the most widespread evacuation bag in the world with much difference. United Arab Emirates is at 17 per cent, Bahrain at 6 per cent, United Kingdom at 5.4 per cent and United States at 3.7 per cent.

This Saturday, the Ministry of Health reported 6,815 new contagios and 33 deaths for a total of 541,864 cases and 3,943 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
