Question about presence with staff without vacancy – Information – 02/03/2021

There was a day of multiple inaugurations in the health sector. The most notorious was the commencement of the process of vacation, but breathe, this moon resembles the presence of medical consultations in some areas of specialization.

As of March, the present consultations are obligatory in general medicine, pediatrics and gynecology, with a minimum of three patients per hour to be interchanged with others telemedicine. The authorities hope that the rest of the vuelvan consultations will be present in the next 120 days.

The executive secretariat of the Medical Union, the infectologist Zaida Arteta, dijo ayer que cree que el momenta para retomas las presensciales no es elecuado. “It’s very important to be able to control and see the people presently, but the hobbyist aspires to the presence is present when the hobby is advanced vacation al salud staff ”, signaled in the Double Click (Del Sol) radial program.

Somewhat similarly expressed by the President of the Coordinator of Institutions of Medical Assistance Collective, Carlos Cardoso, who says that El País agrees with that the consultations should be postponed, although it is necessary to take into account the observation that the communicator has written to the MSP and that the body “hopes to process the personnel evacuation plan fundamentally de salud ”.

From the Quirúrgico Anesthesia Syndicate (SAQ) celebrates the voelta of the presence more than that the health staff has not been evacuated, and explains that “the problem of the evacuation” is that it does not know “exactly when” the drug in the sanitary service.


At the beginning of the pandemic has a significant reduction in attendance consultations and the Mayor of the Apostolic Institutions on telephone or video consultations. In June, an increase was established in the presence with a maximum of three consultations per hour.

In November, with the release of the first ola, the Ministry of Public Health issues a new standard for the departments with the most cases of COVID-19 with the exhortation to return the telemedicine as the first cure.

La vuelta a la presencialidad is resolved after the Honorary Scientific Assessor Group I recommend and advise that “if well telemedicine has a useful utility and it is possible that as a complementarity to present assistance, it has many limiting uses”.

SMU defines its position

‘N Pesar de que la executive secretariat del Sindicato Médico haya manifestat sis personal opinions on las presensciales, el presidente del SMU, Gustavo Grecco, prefirió ne opinar al respecto

Following the El País, the monthly meeting will be discussed at the SMU Executive Committee.
