Querétaro teen Pachuca 3-1; Gallos sigue invicto en casa

Queretaro approved his fortale to take the triumph in the Guard1anes 2021, in La Corregidora donde no conoce la derrota recibió al Pachuca que le cuesta el arranque del torneo y the victory 3-1.

In a duel between the Tuzos Tuvieron Llegadas, but the figure of the gate, Gil Alcalá the impotid anotar, los de la Bella Airosa sufrieron su tercera derrota del 2021, which takes the red foci in the frame of Paulo Pezzolano.

Los Gallos, who received his first goal against home, cruz Azul 4-1 goal scorer, y en casa lograron sobreponerse y read to 9 points in the tournament, which is a great initiative for those led by Héctor Altamirano.

The side started moving, first a save by Víctor Guzmán by Pachuca and at 3 ‘, Fernando Madrigal handed a very high balloon.

Las jugadas fueron subiendo de peligro y al 17 ‘, Francisco da Costa remató de cabeza y Óscar Ustari le atajó para seguir con el 0-0. See the 25 ‘when the marker opens. Madrigal received a pass of Ángel Sepúlveda and took the lead to mandarla to guard and make it 1-0.

Pachuca apenas se acomodaba y recibió el segundo, cuando Antonio Valencia scored the 2-0 at 29 ‘. Fixed a bug in error Emanuel García, he lifted the balloon and defined Ustari’s health to train as a goal scorer in the MX League.

Guzmán’s new goal at 40 ‘, and Erick Sánchez’s at 43’, both without success. Who cares about you Kevin Ramírez at 57 ‘, who won 3-0 to annotate de izquierda in a pass by Kevin Escamilla.

Ya con la goleada en contra, los Tuzos buscaron el gol. Kevin Álvarez ordered a balloon in the crossbar at 62 ‘and Roberto de la Rosa put it in a good center at 65’.

Then I read a great deal of Alcalá when, in the 70’s, he had a disagreement with Pocho Guzmán and in the drawing of a cave remnant to Matías Catalán.

Fue hasta the 80 ‘when the Tuzos lograron el de la honra Felipe Pardo mando a center to area that deviates Hugo Magallanes ‘n su portería para dejar el marcador finale 3-1.

The things are not good for Pachuca, which is not Ghana, the Gallos sueñan con la point de torneo.
