Queen Isabel II performed a su esposo in a sober ceremony

Reina Isabel II dio el ultimo adioos este sábado al hombre con quien estuvo casada 73 años, su “fuerza y ​​apoyo”, el principe Felipe, en un sobrio funeral de cariz militar con mascarillas y pocos invitado debido a la pandemia.

The exiles of the British real estate suelen are of great magnitude, planned for years and competing with monarchs and mandates all over the world.

But the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus obligate to modify the plans for the interior of Felipe, which went bankrupt on April 9, two months before the end of 100 years. The ceremony is limited to 30 intimate guests with mascarillas and safety distances.

The act commenced with a minute of silence before the religious office in San Jorge, the gothic capillary of the XV sail located in the caste millennial castle of Windsor, one 50 km west of London.

Luciendo his military medals on civilian routes, the four houses and varios of the nets of the real couple accompanying him to the Land Rover green, specially designed by Felipe to carry his train, during a letter briefing on the castles of the castle.

The queen is wearing a Bentley official with a company lady.

Without embarrassment, the monarch, who lived close to 95 years ago, was sent to the capital to be released to his wife, the man with whom he was married to a princess in 1947 and who died on the day of his death.

A chorus of four distant songs in the enormous nave exhibits elusive themes from the Duke of Edimburg’s proposition, including what he added to the British composers Benjamin Britten in 1961 and William Lovelady in 1996.

Y’s Dean of Windsor, David Conner, records a “service life” of Felipe.

Tras el begrafnis, presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, spiritual leader of the Anglicans, the duke was privately descended to the real crypt of the Capilla San Jorge to be inhuman.

– Guillermo y Enrique –

The principle of consortium was a constant presence of Isabel II since, with only 25 years, coronation in 1952, when the United Kingdom was reconstructed through the Second World War and its empire was to be demoralized.

The monarch published the Saturday a moving personal photograph in which the two appeared and sounded in 2003 in the National Park of Cairngorms, in Scotland.

And in the social speeches of the real family, images of the key moments of matrimony are diffused.

Real expert numbers ensure that Felipe was the man who managed to get a family out of the crisis, helping the reindeer to capture the scandals.

The Sabbath, the miracles unfolding in the principles of Enrique and Guillermo, are related to their tenses.

This was Enrique’s first public appearance, 36 years old, with the realization that he and his wife Meghan, who did not travel to the United Kingdom to be embarrassed, abandon their real functions and live in California.

Enrique did not drive the truck along the railroad to his hometown, 38 years ago. Meanwhile, they are in the prime of Peter Phillips, who feeds the speculations about a persistent dispute.

Without embargo, the two salaries at the end of the ceremony, accompanied by the wife of Guillermo, Catalina, in a possible signal of reconciliation.

– “El país lo echará de menos” –

Coronavirus debits are being carried out by Britons who have not been deployed to Windsor. As a matter of fact, some of the decisions will be made while the mayor of the country follows the act on television, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson said from his Checkers camp residence.

“It seems that the people do not have to come, but this is a big event, unique in a generation, the duke was special”, said AFP Mark, 57 years old, one of the decades of security agents deployed in the calls of Windsor.

“It’s very important for me to be here,” assured Kaya Mar, a 65-year-old painter who flew in the first train from London with a large retreat from Felipe down the hill. “Era un buen hombre” y “el país lo echará de menos”, afirmó.

Cubierto con su espada, su navra gorra y su standard de staff, el feretro del duque habia sido trasladado de monana por portadores del Primer Batallón de Granaderos -de los que Felipe fue coronel durante 42 aosos desde la capilla privada de la familia real a otro salon of the castle.

In front of the procession, the real guards with their black hats on top of us and dozens of representatives of other military corps line up on the impeccable head of the central patio of the castle while the fanfarers fight.

It has a brilliant sun, reads the duke’s personal carriage, drawn by its ponies and lifts the gourd and the guantons of the cross.

On the heads of the capillary are positioned the representatives of the cavalry, gala robes, with their metallic torsos and helmets.

The carriers will enter the continuation of the train, final for the ceremony.
