Queen Isabel II of the United Kingdom becomes the ultimate British monarch

Isabel II of the United Kingdom is getting rid of long coats this Saturday, February 6th celebrated 69 years of his career, what he converted into the British monarchy that he kept for the longest time, is the lie of what ascended to the throne in 1952, through the failure of his father, el rey Jorge VI del Reino Unido.

A sus 94 years of edad, Queen Isabel II does not plan to take the throne immediately, including preparing a celebration for the nominee Jubileo de Platino to commemorate 70 years of training, which will be celebrated in 2022 without any contraction, this has been declared a national day of celebration.

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And it is, in the midst of the various crises and the ones that have been associated with state jefa, Isabel II del Reino Unido ha sabido salir avante y ha logrado mantener la britannica corte ante un pueblo que en varias oasiones se ha questionado sí deberían seguir manteniendo la constitutional monarquía o que United Kingdom is convened in a republic.

The ultimate queen

Agreed with the real biographer, Clive Irving, Isabel II of the United Kingdom can bethe last kingdom of britain for two reasons: the first has to do with the next three heirs to his throne: the principle Carlos de Gales, the principle of Guillermo, Duke of Cambridge and his brother, the principle Jorge de Cambridge.

The second reason is because, according to Clive Irving, the efforts of the reina Isabel to maintain the monarchy in Reino Unido he side copies, all because because he wanted more “rare and obsolete”, according to the biographer described in his book The Ultimate Queen: 70 years of battle of Isabel II to save the house Windsor.

Without embarrassment, these aspirations can only come once in a while as the first hereditary to ascend the throne, we of the principle Carlos de Gales, which is currently cased with Camila de Cornualles, but this real pairing is one of the least important in the history of the monarchy, about everything that happens to the queer. Lady Di.

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The British do not want Carlos on the throne

Pese a que Diana, Princess of Wales bankruptcy in 1997 and since he passed away 24 years ago, Lady Di goza de mejor falla que su exesposo, Carlos de Gales, including after many years, this is because, for the British and for the world, the principle of Carlos fue is an infiel that engaged in reiteradas ocasiones a la princesa Diana.

Moreover, if it were with Camila, it would be discordant and more so that a reina, the British could not begin to feel like “the lover” of Carlos, for which, to concretize his right to reign, the principle of Carlos could end la British monarchy.

Situation that powder does not have to be in such a way as to lie accidentally in the hive, Guillermo de Cambridge and his wife, Catalina de Cambridge, los cuales han sabido ganarse el cariño de los Británicos, por lo que sera cosa de ver qué deciden al interior de la familia real, ya que el derecho geniudo de Carlos de reinar y su obstinación por hacerlo podría signar elfin de la monarquía del United Kingdom.

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