¿Qué fue, un alma en pena? Urban explorers captan disturbed images in abandoned old house

The property is located in Liverpool, and was closed in 2015, when an official informant reveals that there are all sorts of workers and many other negligence.

Three young urban explorers are capturing the disturbing image of the day that is a ghost, living in the Mossley Manor Care Home residence, the most beautiful ancient home of the United Kingdom.

The property is located in Liverpool, and was closed in 2015, when an official informant reveals that there are all sorts of workers and many other negligence.

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In the images obtained from Matt Nadin and Andy Thompson, of South Yorkshire, known as Finders Beepers History Seekers, can be seen inside the interior of the plague of humidity and moho; by the way, Matt divides the inquisitive phantasmagoric figure that observes in the height of the escalators.

At one point, the phantom superstructure was rapidly displacing its target and, now, could be seen by Matt submitting the scales to discover that its human form had disappeared completely.

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The video posted on this post was posted on the Caters Clips channel on Youtube, has been viewed for over 25 miles.

What do you present ?, do you have ghosts in the bed ?, do you just have a shadow?

At the moment the phenomenon has no explanation.
