“Que ellos (alcaldes) vayan a la Fiscalía me tiene sin cuidado”: Ministro de Hacienda dice no lo pueden obligar a pagar el Fodes atrasado

Zelaya says that he has managed a credit with the BCIE to transfer funds to the Alcaldias, but the petition will be presented to the new Assembly which will take the 1st of May and the Alcaldis of opposition the dice that will be hoped.

The Minister of Health, Alejandro Zelaya, stated that he could not “oblige” to pay the Foods that were needed by the Alcaldians more than nine months ago, the majority in the opposition has until the 30th of April.

According to Zelaya, the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Supreme Court of Justice does not immediately pay the bailiff, saying that it has the mandate to make “gestures” to cancel the deed.

Puede leer: Minister of Health about Fodes: “I can not pay”

“The Resolution of the House is quite clear, dice: if the order of the Minister should carry out the management within its faculties to carry out the payment of Fodes, because I know that I can not oblige to pay directly. It is not an order of the Constitutional Chamber, ”the official said during a televised interview.

Without embarrassment, the Chamber passed the order passed on 4 February to the Minister of Health, which lived up to its “intermediate manner” administrative and financial management in order to pay for the funds in the Alcaldia.
In addition, it mandates that a calendar of transfers be made in order to “not repeat” the atrocity on the obligatory payroll because it is the Republic.

The Alcaldes have given notice to the Fiscalia in order to investigate the Minister to enforce the Resolution of the House, but Zelaya the challenge. “Que ellos vayan a la Fiscalía me tiene sin cuidado la verdad”, dijo ayer.

Hacienda has begun transferring the money to the 262 alcaldias from June 2020. Up to this year, the $ 360 million increase, according to information passed by the president of the Salvadoreño Institute of Municipal Development (ISDEM), the Alcalde de San Salvador, Ernesto Muyshondt.

The death toll is the same as the one in February when they were transferred and there are no visions that the page is ready.

Algunas Municipalidades han tenido que suspender de recolecjon de desechos debido debido a que no cuentan con fondos para pagar par el servicio. Photo: EDH / Archive

The president of the El Salvador Municipal Corporation (COMURES), Milagro Navas, has expressed his hope that one day the elections will take place and pay the debt, according to the Minister of Health has another plan. “(Los alcaldes) tienen que esperar el Fodes hasta tengamos aprobacion en la Asamblea; “I can not pay and I will correct the risk of not paying the external debt”, declared.

While the governor wants to hope, in many municipalities there are peripherals with some resources and some have announced that they can not provide services such as the collection of bad money because they do not have money to pay.

This is the case of municipalities such as Quezaltepeque, where the salute Salvador Saget considers that the position of the Minister of Politics, passed by the Mayor in the February 28 elections.

“They cry that when the new alkalide comes out between 12 months of Fodes and cry that it has come to solve everything and no, the alcaldias are finished; is a last resort that desobedezca a direct order of the Supreme Court ”, signaled.

In San Antonio de la Cruz, Chalatenango, the residents do not receive a recovery service for faults in Fodes.

Join the new Assembly
The official agreed to seek a credit with the BCIE (Central American Bank for Economic Integration) to pay the Fodes and to present the proposal to the next Assembly which will take the 1st of May, as well as the position of the Alcaldias.

“I have applied to the BCIE that we help with the financing to be able to transfer and he says that at the moment we are going to the Assembly”, indicated.

In the new Assembly, the official party of the New Ideas will be the Mayor of Scouts and will be favorable to the governor of Nayib Bukele.

The management of a credit with the BCIE that ensured the Hacienda ministry contrasts with what it has reported the Corte de Cuentas from which it held money for the Fodes.

Lea también: Habitantes de San Antonio de la Cruz no recibirán service de recoleczion de desechos por flade de Fodes

“According to the data, the preliminary analysis shows that the team of auditors has corrected that they have funds to make the transfers,” confirmed Roberto Anzora, president of the Corte de Cuentas, in November.

Regarding Zelaya’s statement that he would send a new statement to pay the Fodes, the Minister of Health, Manuel Enrique Hinds, opine that the Governor should present first the accounts of each of the parties. “I can not say that they are salgan and digan: hoy tengo para el Fodes y manana digan que no tienen para otra cosa. Really deberían decir cuál is the state of the nation’s finances ”.
