Qatar and Australia, delegates for Copa América 2021 by eliminatorias

Mexico City /

Important notice in South America! Qatar y Australia no disputation Copa América 2021 to llevarse a cabo el proximo verano en Colombia y Argentina.

This March, Gonzalo Belloso, Director of Desarrollo de la KONMEBOL, in charla con RadioLaRed de Buenos Aires.

Qatar and Australia have no sales at the Copa América por motivos de calendario. They have eliminated the World Cup eliminators in their pockets and with it has been announced that vengeance invited in this edition of the Copa “.

In this form, the tournament will take place between the 10 selections of south american football, descending from the pre-Mexico voyage to the just continent.

For another lad, Belloso informs that there are possibilities of public engagement in the grades of the tournament, always and when the authorities and the status of the coronavirus pandemic lo permitan

“The Copa America is fully confirmed. The idea is to play with a public percentage of 30%, if the conditions allow us. “

The Copa America will be held from June 11 to July 10, with distinct dates in Argentina y Colombia. The inauguration will take place in the Monumental river and the Final in the Metropolitan of Barranquilla.

Have you recorded that for this edition, solo habrá 2 grupo’s and no 3 as acostumbra, for which the modifications to the calendar do not affect both and in that each selection plays 5 games in the first phase, disputará 4.

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