QAnon’s prophecy about Trump’s regression on March 4, explained

Trump’s hopes to conclude his second term are due to be announced on March 4, the official inauguration of the 1933 presidential inauguration.

The most powerful followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory agree that Donald Trump holds a jury like president for a second term this March 4th. It convenes as one in another when it comes to thinking that it is asking for power and launching a purge in the political sphere against the supreme red clandestine of Democrats that, given the conspiracies that religiously, children and babies are infants. Each accusation is more than the previous one in this red tape with mentions.

Trump’s hopes to sum up his second term are due to be announced on March 4, the official inauguration of the 1933 presidential inauguration. Read Amendment 20 of the Constitution to the 20th of January to shorten the term of ” inactivity ”of the salient presidents.

Era obvio que el republicano no iba a assumir el poder hoy. United States is not converted into a state with the goblins. Peru the diffusion of this mentality, that he was alerted to the security forces in the Capitol where he would not like to repeat what he had in mind, demonstrating that there is a serious error in thinking that Trump and the White House have conspiracy theories like Qanon han disappears.

The proof of this is that whoever promotes the theory of this alternate position will mount an extra conspiracy theory to dismantle the first, then consider that when the end of the day is what has been promised, Trump’s followers will be deceived. keng aguantar una decepción más. Conspiracy through conspiracy. Mentiras para tapar otras mentiras. But above all a constant amenity to security. The Pentagon ordered the 5,000 National Guard soldiers stationed in Washington DC to be alerted to the alert capital of any suspicious activity.

QAnon’s users point out that this is the idea of ​​the March 4 position, which demonstrates the pantyhose that they created, was orchestrated by the “allied mediums of the deep state” to convert into a burla all to move and make which appears tonto. A species of “fake banner”.

“While there are people who are looking for their alternative reality, QAnon will continue to exist in some form,” said Sarah Hightoer, an independent investigator and conspiracy theorist, at the BBC.

What do we do for a living in politics with an actor as charming as ‘Q’?

QAnon will not appear by its religious connotations. This false prophecy is a sequel to a new one that promises to be real, and that falls new. This opera is on the same level as the one who preaches the parody, the so-called “second coming of Christ to the Earth”. Many he intended to fix the fecha, and he dropped one over another.

Hecho, hay that detached that the movement of ‘Q’ has adopted details of the narrative of the religions as the idea of ​​a “final judgment”. Joe Biden’s position of ener enero, QAnon’s followers hablaron of a “great despair” that marked the final of Trump, his own initiative.

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On the other hand, it is understood that there is no satisfactory answer to support the conspiracy movement, as Charlie Warzel of The New York Times reported in a recent interview with Vox. Having agreed to these conspiracy theories in its own space, expulsionists from the rest of speeches such as Twitter, it has strengthened its “perseguidos” panel, which feeds more than the discourse of women to approve of them.

The presence of QAnon in the political sphere, with figures that differ in the masses his speeches create as his ignorant games, results alarmingly because those who are constantly deceived by his easy-going actions with more extremists than those who quarrel.

He has denounced the anti-Semitic and racist extremist groups that are pushing for a “second civil war in the United States.” Although ‘Q’ has erroneously taken a negative stance in the democratic and electoral process, it is believed that the radicalization of its vulnerable and vulnerable sequences has not yet taken place.

“My main concern about this movement is that of the Q to the JQ,” said Brian Friedberg, a researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center in The Guardian. This refers to the “Jewish question” and the anti-Semitic positions with which the followers of ‘Q’ are gradually radicalizing.

The ideal series is that the party that accepts ‘Q’ in its path to get your votes expelled to those who promote the conspiracy and abandon the mentions of its political platform. But to lie about it, as evidenced by the passing day at the Conservatory Conference, they have been promoted.

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