QAnon believers struggle with inauguration.

The followers of QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, have been waiting for weeks to expect Wednesday to be the “Great Awakening” – a day long predicted in the QAnon prophecy, when top Democrats would be arrested is for running a global sex trade and President Trump would use a second term.

But when President Biden took office and Mr. Trump in Florida country, without mass arrests in sight, some believers have struggled to harmonize the falsehoods with the inauguration on their TVs.

Some QAnon believers have tried to weaken their theories about the transfer of power to Mr. Pray to accommodate. Several large QAnon groups on Wednesday discussed the possibility that they were wrong about Mr. Biden, and that the incoming president was actually part of mr. Trump’s attempt to destroy the global cabal.

“The more I think about it, I think it’s very possible that Biden will be the one pulling the trigger,” one report said. wrote in a QAnon channel on the Telegram messaging application.

Others expressed anger over QAnon influencers urging believers to expect a dramatic climax on Inauguration Day.

“Many YouTube journalists have lost just as much credibility,” a commentator wrote in one QAnon chat room.

Still others tried to move the goalposts, simply telling their fellow “announcements” to hang on and wait for future, unspecified developments.

“Do not worry about what happens at 12 o’clock,” wrote one QAnon influencer. “Look what happens next.”

And some apparently realized they had been deceived.

“It’s over,” wrote one QAnon chat room contestant, just after Mr. Biden.

“Wake up,” wrote another. “We already had.”

Followers hoping to lead ‘Q’, the pseudonymous user of the message board, whose posts drive the movement, would likely disappoint. The account has been silent for weeks and has not been posted on Wednesday.

Ron Watkins, a major QAnon amplifier some suspected of being ‘Q’ himself, posted a letter of resignation on his Telegram channel on Wednesday afternoon.

“We have sworn in a new president and it is our responsibility as citizens to respect the Constitution,” he wrote. “Please remember all the friends and happy memories we have made together over the past few years as we begin our next administration.”
