(CNN) – In order for a person to propose to mask their movements, surely the way to camouflage a possible invasion of another country is to be prepared in order to do so.
This is the paradise before the visible increase of Russia’s military power in the west, near the frontier with Ukraine. If Moscow decides to return its military base around the Donbás separatist region ––cuy control complete blockade of Ukraine in 2014–– would it be difficult to track down its ways of moving?
Russia’s signs are obvias. Videos are published incessantly on social media masters convoys blinded that are directed to the frontier zone. This is the leading intelligence code investigators @CITeam_en to detect a concentration of probable vehicle numbers, not in the Russian city of Voronezh. The location is more than 160 km from Ukraine, but there is a considerable accumulation that was captured on satellite images of the Maxar technology company.

A vehicle accumulation in the Pogonovo training zone, located in the Maxar satellite image.
The White House said this week that Russia now has even more tropes near the Ukraine frontier than in any other moment since 2014, when the Crimean peninsula was annexed. Inform the military intelligence evaluating that, more than that, one of the 4,000 Russian soldiers who had been killed by firefighters were seen moving in Crimea, CNN told a United States defense officer.
Moscow has also announced a series of mediations, in which it intends to show its determination. The Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, announced rapid inspections of preparations for the trial. The Kremlin’s spokesman for the conflict, the president of the presidential administration Dmitri Kozak, said that Moscow would defend the people of this country in case of need, as always. And it turns out that the beginning of a conflict is the “principle of the end of Ukraine”. Russia’s statements are quite rude.
From the court of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky handed over some of the most important donkeys from Donbaas and had a very high profile for him in this area. Like the successor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Zelensky’s popularity indexes are not very good. Su tono fue de paz. Intended to be looking for the tropes, knowing that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has said he will respond.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, (rightly) greeted a soldier during his visit to a front in Donbas, Ukraine, on April 8.
The White House says that it is “one of the most preoccupied with Russia’s recent escalation of aggression in Ukraine”. También, stadium officials insinuated that podrian would send bucks of war to the Black Sea, a signal of a mayoral implication in the area, although stadium planes were regularly alerted to this zone. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on Putin to withdraw his shoes while calling him a Jew. Everything in the world is very nervous, very fast.
Speculations about what will happen next in Europe’s mayoral war in decades have stretched as extensively as the Kremlin desperately hopes. Mientras tanto, the only price that pays for now is the combustible that is needed to move a mountain of tanks.
La pregunta-kloof
The question is whether there is no response, Russia’s objective is in a military intervention. Some analysts have speculated that the powder could encroach on separatist areas and the zones of conflict aided by a huge rush of “peacekeeping”. A group that is designed to impress with its voluntariness and norms in the area, and which will effectively annex and replace the Donbas.
Sondeverbod, is practically guaranteed a Western response, in principle likely to be sanctioned. Also, the arrival in Moscow is basically the same control that now has over these areas, although giving the game of many soldiers and weapons. Take a great effort to get results. And it’s probably so no-brainer for the Kremlin.

A Ukrainian military in a primary line trench with separatists backing Russia, near the Zolote city, in the Lugansk region, on April 8.
The second option considered by the analysts is the creation of a terrestrial corridor between the separatist Donbaas in this and the peninsula of Crimea. During the years, the water has been a resort in Crimea. In the wake of a crisis that, according to a high-ranking official from Ukraine, could be a critical moment in the spring of 2019. Todavía persists, despite the mayor’s challenge that Moscow has maintained an acceptable level of life in Crimea through the maritime ministries and about a little new one that was built on the Kerch road. This large space is not a viable situation for Russia’s ultimate acquisition.
Sondeverbod, a terrestrial corridor — a franchise that would cover the Ukrainian city of Mariupol and the area of Armiansk about Crimea — would also be an extremely vulnerable place for any Russian occupation force. Quedarían atrapados entre el mar Azov y un ejcito ucraniano muy enojado y mejor equipado que antes. To be able to maintain this corridor efficiently, tendrian that meters more in Ukraine and lie to find with more resistance to the eviction of these countries and the local population. The 2014 experience of the soldiers considering the “liberators” of a Kiev government corrupt is fast approaching. Now the hostility is much more tangible.
For this reason, the tariff that has the rushed action for delante is divided into two possibilities. By the way, make sure that the inevitable Sanctions of the Occupied Paris are imposed in order to obtain a minimum benefit, or to do so (then) as to occupy large francs of Ukraine for years. In both cases there is a lie.
What is the best option for Poetin?
Moscow and Putin’s oaths, quizzes, one more option to reunite with his forces, make ruin over the war in Ukraine, insinuate his disposition in diplomacy and use his manpower to force a more beneficial bargaining chip. For superstition, this is part of the assumption that the Kremlin’s cadre always makes the best decisions. Poetin also has the ability to extramimitarse or comet a locura.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will deliver a concert in Moscow on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, on March 18.
A third invasion of Ukraine in 2021 will also be a much worse attack on Putin than in 2014-2015. Biden has already clarified that it will offer its “support question” in Kiev. Washington’s thinking is irrevocably central to the idea that Russia is an amenity. And the leader of Ukraine, Zelensky, is inexperienced from the point of view of political and military vision as it is, without hesitation benefiting at the national level from the arrested verse to a conflict that he did not face.
Without embarrassment, there will be lasting risks that cannot be quantified. The first is that Putin can see, in the midst of the chaos of the weeks ahead, an opportunity to attack and that simply decides to deal with the consequences. The second is the inexhaustible pain of accumulating fiery furs on both sides of a fringe that is active. An error or an improper arrangement of any part of the party could be decommissioned in a major war.
If Putin hopes that with his accumulation of forces he will be able to see more of the telephones and diplomacy that are relevant, more serious than that.