Putin firm allows permission to increase Russia’s mandate

Russian President Vladimir Putin, 68 years old, firmly agreed that he should be allowed to present his new presidential mandates in six years’ time, to put an end to the Kremlin’s continuation until 2036.

This leaflet, published in the official register of the Russian government, was adopted by Parliament in March, following a constitutional referendum celebrated in July 2020.

After spending the power in the year 2000, Putin eliminated in dozens of decades all real political competence, giving his opinion on the opposition and the media of the Independents. He always refused to accept his succession.

In theory, the Russian president should have retired at the end of his current term in 2024, and Russian law does not authorize more consecutive presidential mandates.

According to the text promulgated this month, this restriction “does not apply to those who occupy the cargo of the State’s driver before the entry into force of the amendments to the Constitution” approved by referendum in 2020.

Vida eterna

“What sigan adelante con una lei que concede al presidente la vidern eterna”, ironizó en Twitter Evgueni Roijzmán, un detractor del Kremlin y ex alcalde de Ekaterimburgo, una de las ciudades más grode de Rusia.

Opposition leader Alexei Navalni’s response published a video in 2000 in which Putin said he was opposed to a Russian president running for office.

The reform will continue as the president pushes for a 60% higher popularity following the polls, the pandemic, a declining economy and the unpopular social reforms of 2018.

It is not the first time that Putin has reached the point of limiting the number of executive mandates.

Putin will retire at the end of his second term, in 2008, in the Kremlin and his prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev. Tras este intermedio, fue reelegido presidente in 2012, is’ n un gran movimiento de protesta.

Luego, the duration of the presidential mandate was increased by four years and Putin was elected in 2018 by 76% in the first round, without real opposition.

Maintenance principles and immunity

The promulgation also includes new requirements for presidential candidates. Now you have to stay for at least 35 years, stay in Russia for at least 25 years and do not have to have any foreign citizenship or a permanent residence permit in another country.

The revision voted in the vernacular also introduces in the Constitution principles preserved by the president as fe in Dios, matrimony reserved for heterosexuals and patriotic education.

También otorga inmunidad to the Russian presidents including after dejar el cargo.

Returning one week from the covid-19 pandemic, the referendum of last year, which resulted in no doubt the minor, officially finished with the victory of the day with 77.92% of the votes and a participation of 65%, according to figures officials.

Navalni había calificado esta consulta de “gran mentira” y la oenegé Golos, specializada en elititoro de elections, la denunció com un un attentado “sin precedentes” a la soberanía del pueblo ruso.
