Putin advises EEUU that it will decide to cross ‘red lines’

Moscow, Russia.

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, advirtió hoy a Occidente of lamenting any provocation and that the Kremlin will respond in a manner “asymmetric, fast and durable “ if some country decide to cruise “líneas rojas”.

‘No queries quemar puentes, but if any, perpetuate our good intention as apathy or stupidity and pretense quemar esos puentes, entonces deben saber that the response of Russia will be asymmetrical, fast and durable “, signed the mandate in his speech on the state of the nation before the Federal Assembly.

Lo lamentarán como hace mucho que no lo hacen “, advice.


In a central location in the pandemic and in the socio-economic situation of the Netherlands, Poetin eludió mentions the increase of the Russian military presence in the front with Ukraine, which so preoccupied with the Occident or tampoco aludiio to the back of the health of the encircled leader leader, Alexéi Navalni.

‘No cesan los actos inamistosos contra Rusia. The intentions for each motive or including the motive of akusar a Rusia sand he converted between some lands in a deported species “, dijo.

“But I hope that someone will decide to crucify the llamada red line in las relations with Russia “, afirmó Poetin in the hall of Manezh ante ministers, deputies, senators and regional leaders, will clarify that it will be Kremlin what you decide on “every case“donde is the limit of passion of Moscow.

Vea: Ukraine unveils its tropes on the front line ahead of a Russian invasion

Poetin quiso also submits that he considers a partisan partition of Occident, that, dijo, has not pronounced on the supuesto “golpe de Estado” which Minsk and Moscow announced last week, which includes a plan to assess the authoritative leader bielorruso, Alexandr Lukashenko.

“The practice of organizing golpes de Estado, the plans of political assimilation (…) so it is demased. He oversaw all the limits, “said Putin.
