Pure elegance, Maribel Guardia fantastic light in black palace

The most beautiful woman in Latin America who conquers the pantel with her bellyza, now English social speeches with her publications, Maribel Guardia surprised her fans with her incredible and elegant atuendo and color negro.

The actress and model is born in Costa Rica do not repair in his edad, and luce as a woman much more joven, no cabe duda that his genetics is envidiable, aunado to his excellent diet and routine routines that realize day with day.

Maribel del Rocío Fernández García is the complete number of the queen of beauty who loves the directors of the TV in Mexico, and is converted into a reference of the most wanted by the public of the spectacles, both in Mexico and in the Latin American countries.

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Cabe records that the Maribel guapísima also disappears as kantante, and is recorded by his participation in turntables and demonstrating his impeccable talent for singing in various television programs.

From his first works as a model and lie in the theater, to his protagonists in the chic pantyhose, Maribel has demonstrated himself professionally in the creation of entertainment and a human being trainable.

Reason for what it is is the coronation of millions, in addition to being one of the most charismatic women within the Mexican spectacle, and clearly one of the most preserved.

The costarricense has been praised by its publishers as the public of the adore, and is reflected directly in its official Instagram account which has more than 6.4 million followers, provided it has the same amount as its publications.

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In its most recent update to its profile Guardia Demostro because it is one of the most elegant women in the world of the spectacle, lucrative in a black color palace, with a large belt of leather, a delicate make-up and large pendants.

Along with photography, Maribel Guardia gives a very inspiring message, as well as costume, model and actress wrote: “Indifference is a form of lightness, and lightness is one of the sins of desamor, nadie is haragon with lo que ama ”ALDOUX HUXLEY. #look @ blacksecret.mx ♥ ️ bendecido día ”.

This post is full of likes over the block of 55 miles of red flags representing the application, in addition, it has miles of comments for its fans, as long as it dedicates itself to the impressive physical and interior beauty that Maribel has.

And it’s not possible to say that what they are doing, the costarricense will be phenomenal and will cause the mayors to be suspicious of their fans, even if from now on they have the world of spectacles and are here to support each and every one of them its projects.
