Pumas vs Xolos: La Guardianes 2021 vs Tijuana | MX League

If the phone number is below Guard1anes 2021. A hecho a priori intranscendent and that is due to the mantle of the mantle, but that represents all a log for a country that is alive and well, and wanted to care, for a renaissance, before the passing of a pandemic that does not respire: vuelve el futbol a México … a pesar de todos los contratiempos.

Pumas will be one of the framed to serve the initial month this fours when midway to Xolos in the jornada 1 in his visit to Caliente Stadium. When you are ready to go to the gates of the octave star, the felines will come to the can to treat themselves and improve the past semester.

Andrés Lillini account with a distinct team: tres bajas vitales lo han hecho replantarse la oncena titular para esta campaign. For the duel of men, there will be different changes and new cars. According to periodist Julio Ibáñez, Erik Lira, Amaury García and Jerónimo Rodríguez, partirán entre los titulares.

Possible alignment of Pumas

Possible alignment of Pumas

Juan Manuel Iturbe, in exchange, empezaria from the bank for technical decision. Case law of Martín Rodríguez, one of the “new ones” for this tour. Favio Álvarez sigue siendo duda hasta las ultima hora por unen dolencia, y se esperará al día de mañana para conocer su dispos disposition.

According to the previous evidence, the first initiative of Pumas in the Guard1anes 2021 will be in the following manner: Alfredo Talavera; Jerónimo Rodríguez, Johan Vásquez, Nicolás Freires, Alan Mozo; Erik Lira, Amaury García, Juan Pablo Vigón, Facundo Waller, Sebastián Saucedo; Juan Ignacio Dinenno.
