Pumas. Juan Pablo Vigón defends a Deneva Cagigas tras denunciar acoso

Mexico City /

Different from other clubs, Pumas it’s some of them that can presuppose a search between gamblers and gamblers. It is, that Juan Pablo Vigón is not a member of the situation in which some of the integrants of the Femenil how to denounce Deneva Cagigas, who pide un alto al acoso que reciben en redes sociales for the simple hecho of subir photographs and that are sean sexualized.

“Here we have a contact with the Femenil team like Varonil, it is a very delicate and complicated theme. Ayer vi sus historias y me duele porque si es algo que les molesta, les cala y debemos acabar con eso. If ours is very critical and you can pay, imagine the women ”, says the judge.

Including, Vigón support Deneva and demas jugadoras que lleguen a passar un una situation u califico el acoso como un “acto ascqueroso” de hombres que tienen en su nucleo familiar integrantes femeninas a las que no les gustaría que vivieran dichos senalamientos.

Applying with them teaches me messages and my very strong and assertive things. I want to ask the people who respect you, that you respect women and give them pure love. “Because paren with the insults, that respeten porque tienen mamma, hermanas, hijas o primas y que les manden ese typos cosas es algo muy vulgar y asqueroso”, sentenció.

Cabe recordar que Cagigas published the night of the fairs a series of messages received by a user that the image share of women and comments of acoso. Además de que toma the publications of the football player to “argue” sexual satisfaction.
